The Dopamine and Manifestation Problem (and how to fix it)

How To Rise Above Discouragement God’s Way

Many, many, people don’t know what to do about discouragement? The answer is this! Many people do not seek God, follow Him, honor Him, or obey Him. What does that have to do with discouragement? The Word is your answer! The way to stop being discouraged is to read scriptures that help you trust in the Lord to help you. You have to let the scriptures go deep into your heart and mind. Let me teach you more about it. You simply need to know what to do and how to do it.

Wise Words About Gratitude and Joy by Guatama Buddha

Gautama Buddha lived in ancient India 5th to 4th century BCE and is regarded as the founder of Buddhism. He was an enlightened soul (that phrase is overused, but he really was) who reintroduced a path to let go of the attachment to suffering.

Don’t Believe The Devil’s Lies About The New You

The Word says you’re a new creation! The old has passed away! The new has come! The devil will keep reminding you of your past and he’ll lie to you over and over again! Why? Because the Word has the power to change and turn your life around in a world filled with misleading messages. The devil will keep bringing up the old you! But the new you is fully dedicated and sold out to Jesus! Pay attention here! You definitely want to read this!

How To Effectively Speak With God And Man And Get Answers

How good is your conversation with God and with man? Effective communication is a vital tool in building good relationships. Truly, lasting relationships are built on the right words said at the right times. And speaking with God and man is an important aspect of a man’s life. This article gives how to effectively speak with God and man and get answers.

Decree A Thing And God Will Establish It Unto You

Have you ever decreed anything and it came to pass? This authority, God gave to all, who qualify and use it, that they may enjoy its blessings. And until you use this authority, the enemy will keep hindering God’s best from coming your way. Therefore, you’re encouraged to decree a thing and God will establish it unto you.

Open Your Mouth Amazingly Wide Enough And God Will Fill It

Is your mouth open and filled by God? This is a simple instruction from God which many Christians are not obeying. Yet, it’s an avenue by which God shows Himself mighty and faithful on our behalf. So, in this article, you’re encouraged to open your mouth wide and God will fill it.

Truth Of God! Understand That You Will Have What You Say

What are you saying with your mouth? This is because what you’re saying determines what you get or see in life. Truly, you are where you are presently because of the things you had said in the past. So, you can decide to restructure your life in the future by the words you are speaking today. Certainly, you shall have what you say.

Why Is Prayer Necessary?

You need time with God everyday so you can have a productive spiritual life with purpose and direction. Prayer will help you have the Spirit of Jesus and operate with the mind of Jesus. This is highly important! I’m sure you feel the same way. Don’t you? Is there more you need to know? Yes, there is! Prayer is refreshing and energizing your mind and spirit. I teach what I do and you’ll gain a lot of spiritual value from this teaching article.

How Do You Build Spiritual Truth Into Your Life?

The language of the believer is Truth! Spiritual truth from God’s Word. How? Follow the Truth by the scriptures and do not abandon it! The Holy Spirit teaches you the Word and obedience to God. There is something in the Gospel that is different from anything else. Christ in you is the life, the Truth, and the way! I’m excited about this! What about you? When you enhance your Bible Truth, you enrich your spiritual life. Let me break it down for you. Read this and take your time.

Three Life Habits That Perpetuate Struggle, And The Solution That Transcends Them

Are you feeling anxious because your world is coming apart? Do you feel as if you struggling on alone, without support, stuck in misery and confusion? There are three common ways we tend to deal with difficulties in life: we may attack, or distract ourselves, or deny the reality of the situation. There is a better approach to life’s challenges available to all of us. It is the pathway of awakening, which requires the willingness to practice personal honesty and accountability. When we stop resisting fear of the unknown and stay present to our experience, we discover more and more freedom. We learn to lean into the Permanence that exists beyond the solid world of senses, and to surrender our attachment to the impermanence of the created world.

Virtues of Goodness

Every human being has something to give. And, every Christian has been given at least one spiritual gift by God to serve others. People do indeed derive genuine satisfaction from helping others. They radiate humility and are uniquely gifted to serve their fellow human being. Their virtues of goodness enable them to think not only about themselves, but also about others to have a more positive relationships with friends, family, and our fellow human beings we encounter in daily lives.

Surprising Scientific Findings on Gratitude

Although we accept the theory of personal fate, we also believe that everyone has the power to make the most of his or her life within the limits of predetermination. As we outline in the Mystic’s Magic Formula, one of the best ways to optimize life’s rewards and mitigate life’s challenges is through the power of gratitude.

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