The Science & Benefit of Offering Arati | Sadhguru Exclusive

Will You Wait On God Till Your Change Comes?

Are you waiting on God for something and it seems it’s taking ages to come? Will you wait on Him till your change comes? Many Christians tend to give up after a while instead of waiting till their change comes. This usually costs them the best that the Lord has for them. This article encourages you to wait till you receive God’s promise for you.

Move From Being A Baby To Being A Matured Co-Heir With Christ

Are you a baby still drinking milk or matured co-heir with Christ eating solid food? What you are determines the authority you can exercise and level of freedom from oppression you enjoy. A baby is highly vulnerable to predators and so should not be a stage any believing Christian should occupy for long. This article encourages you to quickly grow into being a matured co-heir with Christ.

Remain Positioned In Your God Ordained Work For You To Enjoy His Backing

Are you on your God ordained work? Many Christians are on other people’s assignments leaving their own unattended. Being at the center of God’s perfect plan for your life will always enable you to enjoy His backing and lifting. This article encourages you to remain positioned in your own assignment from God for you to enjoy His full backing.

If God Be For You Who Can Be Against You

What is still holding you bound to fear? You have been released from all kinds of fear including the fear of death, which is the main thing holding people in bondage all their lifetime (Hebrews 2:15). As a child of God you have no reason to fear again, for if God be for you, WHO can be against you? This article aims at making you see that the Lord is bigger than all your fears.

Understanding Yourself Spiritually Using Subliminal Audios

Bringing up your own mind and beliefs in a way that allows you to see who you truly are is a very personal and important activity. It might be a little difficult in most cases for regular people to literally figure out who they are in terms of life purpose and why they are here on this planet, but this has to be seen as a very crucial and needed task to complete.

Perpetual Dilemma

Have you noticed that you are in a perpetual dilemma? What is the best choice? Shall I do this or do that? Is this, that, or the other a better way to go than any other? Perpetually you are strung between two poles, two possibilities, two decisions, and two possible choices. There are only ever two things going on: the ego or the Divine.

Number Mysticism and Money

Numerology is number symbolism. Numbers designate quantity, and they can also symbolize qualities, incredibly, in relation to personal money matters.

The Growing Popularity of Numerology

Numerology is growing more popular by the day. More people are beginning to understand the powerful changes they can make based on their Numerology readings and forecasts.

What Is, What Is Not

Consciousness is what it is, ease is what it is not. With that seemingly ridiculous and dramatically “blanket statement”, I begin this article.

What Does Authenticity Mean to You?

What does authenticity mean to you? The discovery of who we really are involves surrender, acceptance, and genuine discovery, rather than the manifestation of our will, preference, or desire.

We Need To Get Back To Nature

We no longer live in an agrarian society. At the beginning of our country almost everyone lived off the land and were close to nature, being as it was, people were close to the land and cherished what was important in life. When you live close to the land and nature, you begin to realize the importance of God and nature in your life. You sense a closeness to God and others that cannot be felt in an urban environment. Living in a rural area, people develop a sense of community to nature and others, you learn to depend on others and others learn to depend on you. You have a relationship with your neighbor and have an obligation to help if needed, knowing they will help you if the need arises. You become like family and share the so-called bad times with the good.

Why Doesn’t God Answer All Our Prayers?

Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? In this article, we explore the reasons. Pastor Ken looks into the subject of prayer and concludes with a thought-provoking story.

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