Why the Bible Works Against God
We are instructed from childhood that the bible is the word of God and that everything in it is true. If that were the case, then why are modern discoveries contradicting it? The reality is that man is responsible for most of the stories and it is his imagination based on his hopes and dreams that comprises a great portion of it.
What Does Spiritual Ascension Mean Anyway?Has the word ‘Ascension’ ever evaded, irritated or just plain turned you off? It has for me! Which is why in this article I am shedding some much needed light on this valuable yet often misunderstood topic!
The Purpose of Every Experience – To Torment or to TeachAs I raked up the leaves on our driveway and front lawn, it occurred to me that God was teaching me something important about life; something I had missed so many years previously. He had been teaching me the same lesson for nearly the past twelve months.
How to Tell If Your Mate Is PossessedWe understand the reluctance to embrace the concept of ghosts and dark energy. Many years ago we were unsure about the notion of demonic energy, and particularly about it influencing human behavior. Today, we believe it’s a real epidemic that makes life’s difficulties worse, and creates additional problems for countless unsuspecting people.
The Universal Spirit and Why Men Were Sent Through the Cross As an ExchangeSpirituality is born within and is not something acquired by faith or through religious teachings. It is a connection to the Universal Spirit that fills all of space and controls everything. It has misled men and caused wars, it brings famine and natural disasters, and it wipes humans out in large numbers when necessary.
Praying Contemplatively – The Peace In PracticeMOWING the lawn, and it strikes me! I’m praying contemplatively. Let me explain. But before I do, let me tell you what Richard Rohr, renowned Catholic mystic, considers is contemplative prayer: non-verbal communion with God. That’s it. It can be considered God-mindfulness or God-consciousness. But there is more to contemplation.
The Lure of the Living RoadmapWhat constitutes “The Way”? The way, where? Who accesses it? What for? What’s it all about, REALLY? Are we being told the REAL TRUTH by the religions of tradition?
Abide In Christ The Vine: Jesus Loves YouHave you told your self today that Jesus loves you? Have you looked at that image in the mirror and said (pointing at it) “Jesus loves you”? He loved you while you were yet a sinner, while you were deep in sin. He died for you that you should believe and not perish but have eternal life. This article encourages you to depend on Jesus Christ for your success as a Christian and in life.
The Lover Of God Is PrayerfulDo you love God? There are certain characteristics you find in any lover of God, one of which is prayerfulness. If you love God you will desire to be with Him at all times. Prayer is a platform for fellowshipping with God and expressing your love for Him. This article gives reasons why people who love God are prayerful.
The Power Of Giving To Others To Receive From GodHave you been asking God for something and it seems as if it is not forth coming? Many times, Christians bury themselves in their challenges to the point they sometimes think that God has forgotten them. I have good news for you if you are part of those people, God can never leave you nor forsake you. This article shares what you should do to provoke God’s intervention in your life.
Indigenous Australians – Their Spirituality and the Injustice They ExperienceThey make up only 3 percent of the population but 27 per cent of prisoners in this wonderful country. A large number of indigenous Australians live in remote communities where the opportunities for jobs and a decent life escapes them. They are, in the main, greatly underpaid and overlooked by Company CEO’s and are at the bottom of the pack as far as public interest is concerned.
Foundational PrinciplesThe foundation of what is to be known – From studying the knowledge of the universal truths of the universe, I have learned that there is a main idea to summarize everything. We are all looking for success on earth and union with the creator, who is God.