What Is Life Purpose? Part 1
In this first of a two part series, life purpose is explained in terms of your spiritual growth. We came here to expand in joy and love. Living our purpose and manifesting the things we want cause us to learn how to get into alignment with the higher flow.
When the Going Gets Tough, in Which Direction Do You Move?Many are weary. Life wearies people. Do you feel tired and weary and in need of something to empower and equip you? We need Someone. One of my late colleagues who died a few years ago has engraved on his gravestone, ‘Saved to Serve’. What an epitaph! How do you serve an invisible God? By serving others! He did to the best of his ability overcoming all his various frailties and ‘weaknesses’ The Christian Faith is for courageous and brave men and women. Only last week I was reading something another colleague wrote, when it came to the cross of Jesus Christ – “When the going got tough, for that band of disciples, the tough got going – in the opposite direction.”
It Is a Problem the World Has and It Is a Problem Many Individuals Have – There Is Only One Answer!It is a growing spiritual problem which apparently is increasing as the weeks and months go by. Many find it hard to believe and accept that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is risen from the dead. They found it difficult then, and even ‘church’ people find it difficult today. Thomas had a real problem to begin with. He had absented himself from the other disciples, and that invariably causes difficulties. Many witnessed the fact that Jesus Christ was risen and alive. Thomas became totally convinced, after meeting the resurrected Jesus, eight days after it all happened. Adventure, excitement, peace, and proclaiming the light and love of God – that was their calling – the callings of the disciples of Jesus Christ – yes, with persecutions. The risen Jesus continues to call people.
Why Develop Your Connection To Source?Helen’s personal thoughts, and beliefs on connection to source. These include the benefits that she sees in her life as a result of this connection. Maybe they’ll help you to formulate your thoughts and beliefs on the subject.
Buddha’s Teaching and Its Relevance – My UnderstandingBuddha, the honored one, had lived a very austere life of purity. Purity here means purity in thought and actions.
The Seven Sorrows of Our LadyThe first time I knew about the seven sorrows of Mary was in 2016 while completing the Pilgrims Passport in the Jubilee of Mercy. I asked my friends, “Really? Did Mother Mary grip in sorrow, too?
What Is the Meaning of Ascension?The meaning of “ascension” is purely a subjective term. Ascension has many meanings depending on who you ask. Most people assume ascension has a relationship with other spiritual “hot words” like “enlightenment” and “illumination”. We usually ascribe these terms to spiritual teachers and gurus who appear to have a strong apprehension of higher wisdom or esoteric knowledge. In my opinion, ascension is act of stepping of out the illusion of duality. Duality is the process of comparing and contrasting a person, object or situation that exists outside ourselves with the use of labels.
I Will Restore To You The Lost YearsAre there days, months and years you wish you can retrieve back? The good news is that it is possible to restore those years. It may not be as you think but if you believe the lost time can be restored. This article tells you that God can restore to you the lost years.
The Temptation In The Garden Of EdenWhat is there to learn from the temptation that occurred in the Garden of Eden? Many people can only remember the account of the temptation in Genesis 3 for the fall of man and the punishments given to the Adam, Eve and the serpent. But there are other things to learn from there. This article shares some other things to pick from the temptation of Adam and Eve.
Top 12 Strategies – How To Find Your Path In LifeIn order to answer the question “how to find your path in life”, first of all I’d like to clarify that finding your path in life is different AND MORE IMPORTANT than finding your purpose in life… When people talk or explore finding their purpose in life a lot of them have ideas on their purpose, but they don’t know where to start. Or a lot of other people make passion lists, do’s and dont’s list but they still are not able to find their purpose. Or people question themselves “is this what I am supposed to be doing”?
This Suffering Servant Is More Than Able to Meet Your Specific Needs TodayA few days before Jesus went to the Cross there were Greeks who asked Jesus’ disciples, “We would see Jesus.” Many want to see Jesus. Many would like to see Jesus Christ to see if this Jesus Christ, the Son of God is real. Are you such a person? You may have heard a lot about this man Jesus Christ, the Son of God but you may never have met Him. Might He manifest Himself to you as you read through this brief article! This is radical. This is revolutionary. This is Isaiah, and this is all being prophesied some 600 years prior to Jesus being born in Bethlehem. Read the Scripture text. Meet the risen and living Jesus. Follow Him faithfully, and loyally and lovingly and obediently, and receive all that He has for you.
True Spirituality and Lasting Inspiration Can Be Discovered and Found in This Significant ScenarioHave you ever been despised? Have you ever been rejected? If yes, then Isaiah Chapter 53 is especially for you. Of course, it is for all of us and for each of us. Isaiah asks a highly relevant and pertinent question – “Who has believed our message – to which the answer is – very very few! Who has believed what we have preached and taught and to whom has Almighty God revealed himself? These are question asked by many men and women. Perhaps you are asking these very questions. Having known the risen and living Jesus for over sixty years I have discovered such a life is an exciting and thrilling adventure as well as costly in various ways. There is a blessing and there is a price to pay as we follow but we follow because he first paid the supreme price. That is the Gospel. That is the Good News which offers mercy and forgiveness and peace and these can be found nowhere else – only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.