Theory of Evolution – 15,000 Years Before Charles Darwin! | Sadhguru

PART 1 – What You MUST KNOW About Common Alternative Spiritual Practices Today

How much do you know about the Spiritual practices you use and the principles behind them? This article has the power to positively impact and shape the way you ‘do’ Spirituality – from how you practice meditation, channel healing, work with your own energy body – all the way down to how you communicate with yourself and with others! Because how you work with energy effects you and the world perhaps more than you know. Find out what is going on in this here article!

The 1 Reason Why You Can’t Stay Grounded And The Solution

Do you feel better when you are grounded? Can you enjoy a grounded state all day long, or do you wind up feeling many of the unpleasant side effects of being un-grounded? How would your Life experience change if right now you knew exactly why you can’t stay grounded AND were told the secret to staying grounded all the time? If you want these questions answered then please read this article that I wrote for you!

Alone to God Do Allegiances Lie

It may seem like a horrid thing to say, particularly when in context of one’s own children, but, in all circumstances, do our allegiances to God lie. What honours God does God’s will, and that will ought to order all our relationships, given that God would not have us dishonour any relationship.

Say ‘Bye-Bye’ to Spiritual Blocks & Hello to the Purifying Practice of Transparency

Find out how dishonesty is slowing down your Spiritual growth. If you find it difficult to access clear memories or psychically ‘map’ people, situations and places with ease you may well be experiencing a lack of transparency in your mind, body and Spirit. Read on to learn more!

The No.1 Mistake That Holds Back Spiritual Progress!

Can you imagine learning how to swim without ever getting wet?! Seems kind of silly… absurd even? In this article find out the number 1 mistake 1,000’s of Spiritual practitioners and Ascension Seekers make when it comes to Awakening to their own multi-dimensional consciousness! It might not be what you expect…

Demonic Energy – What You Need to Know to Defend Yourself

Whenever we address the topic of demonic energy with others, we encounter one of four reactions: Disbelief, fear, contempt, or understanding. Although you can’t see dark energy, our long-term empirical research shows us that it is as real as day turning into night every twenty-four hours.

Thrive With Mysticism

While we embrace the concept of personal predetermination, we’ve always maintained everyone has the ability to make the most of their life within the bounds of their personal fate. Practical mysticism is one of the best ways to optimize life’s rewards and limit the challenges.

Intolerance and Ego Opposing the Soul: Contrast in Differences

Your spiritual-self, or higher-self sometimes contrasts with your ego-self’s expectations in everyday affairs. According to the theories of reincarnation and karma, your soul selects conditions and circumstances prior to your birth in order to learn and understand.

Are Your Vices Damaging Your Spiritual Health?

Possession and spirit attachment can be very tricky, both in identifying the problem and removing it. Sometimes people know they’re being spiritually attacked, but don’t realize their vices are making the situation worse.

Betrayal From a Spiritual Perspective

The concept of betrayal from a spiritual viewpoint is controversial. Since the dawn of time, many forms of betrayal, particularly romantic betrayal, have caused much emotional anguish.

Flip The Frown – Find Happiness When You Have Everything In Life

Why is man unhappy even when he has everything in life? From the nice car, the big house and career. In himself he still feels insignificant.

What Is Life Purpose? Part 2

Do feel like something is missing in your life? Life is about more than just earning a paycheck. In this second of a two-part series on life purpose, your unique contribution to the world is considered. Everyone is born with a purpose–yes, you too! This article addresses meaningful work, purpose outside of work and how this combines with your own spiritual growth.

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