Sow and Reap Abundantly
Do you desire to have abundant blessings in your life? God is still in the business of multiplying His people who obey His instructions. To multiply your blessings is not difficult at all for God if you will heed to His word. This article emphasizes sowing and reaping as one major way by which God releases abundance upon His children.
The Pineal Gland – Your Third EyeThe Pineal Gland, the seat of consciousness, is the connection between body soul and spirit. It is located in the center of the brain directly behind the eyes, in a tiny cave above the Pituitary Gland. We experience higher consciousness through the Pineal Gland also referred to as the God Molecule or the Spirit Gland. It is believed that the Pineal Gland actually grows in size after many years of regular meditation.
Spiritual Insights of ‘Being Here Now’ While ‘Still Here’ and Beyond the Bend of Our PerceptionsHis world famous iconic book “Be Here Now” spoke of Deep Spiritual perspectives, yet simplified to the basic concepts of concentrating focus on the Ever Present Moment. This book “Still Here” takes into account our True Nature, a way to relate better to the impermeant nature of most everything we take to be ‘us’. When we get along in age, we begin to come to grips with our less than mortal slide from our youthful spryness. It’s a good time to take into account the things that really end up mattering in the big picture of… Life. In our ‘Golden Years’ we tend to become more grateful, gracious and… good. It’s a time to simplify our lives, not to sweat the small stuff and take the time to learn a few things that nourish our Being. Some of us will get a wee bit more philosophical, some more religious and most others will seek out a Deeper level of Spirituality in whatever fashion they resonate with. At some point we all ponder the mortality of our once youthful bodies and snappy witty minds… We eventually ponder the ‘meaning of Life’… and beyond… like ‘what’s next’.
Dear God, Please Save MeDear God, please save me! I need you in my life. I am tired of being unhappy, I am tired of begging to be loved, I am tired of loving him this much and getting nothing in return. I don’t understand what’s wrong, I have no clue what has changed us, is it we?
Children Who Are Born to DieIt’s the most pathetic and horrid act of humanity that children are allowed to be born who will suffer unbelievable hardships and death before they even reach their teen-age years. While many parents question why God allowed their child to be born with cancer or some other disease or handicap do they even think about the religion they belong to and how it is killing millions of children on an annual basis? Since my reincarnation and memory of passing from life to life my observations enable me to speak out about the error of ways…
Christian Holiness Compared to Islamic HolinessChristians world wide suffer from powerless prayers, lack of holiness of heart and purity of mind and addictions and their prayer power and holiness are on the same level as Islamic holiness and prayer power. However, Original Christianity still exists today which gives holiness of heart and purity of mind which Muslims and countless church Christians can only wish for! The holiness which controls a man instead of man trying his best to be holy. Original Christian holiness is poured directly into man from heaven while Islamic holiness is manufactured by man’s best efforts. This reality is provable by anyone who will put both Islam devotion and Original Christianity devotion to the test in his own room.
How To Connect To Source, The Divine, Or The UniverseMany people seek more spirituality and fulfilment in their life. But how do you connect to what I call Source to get that feeling? Here are some ideas.
List of 4 Major Views of Hell in Christianity – What You’re Burning to KnowThere are 4 major views of hell, eternal-torment, universalism, that it is temporary, and that the damned are annihilated. This is a quick break down of how the four ideas related to each other.
Could This Type of Real Spirituality Answer Some of the Fierce Social Issues Facing Society Today?Concern is growing in so many places around our world in these present times and for a huge variety of reasons. Being involved with various countries and their urgent needs what can we do? What even can governments do if they are really interested in doing anything? We hear so much about bullying, in schools and workplaces. Teaching these truths and principles, with the authority of God’s anointing, and the crippling problems will be addressed. Why do the authorities not invite those of us who believe this to go into the schools and into the businesses where bullying is known to be active and teach clearly what God has said. God always honours His holy Word!
How Might Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Describe Your Life and Ministry – And Mine?John’s life was an amazing blend of authority and humility, but there was more to this preacher. John wondered if Jesus was really the one who was to come, or should we expect and look for someone else? He sent friends to find out. Is this not prayer? A reaching out to Jesus Christ even when you are not sure who He is? The self assured do not pray. John was brave, as well as courageous and bold. We need prophetic preachers today who will proclaim the true Word of God with courage and boldness and integrity and grace and love. That is not easy. Jesus spoke highly of John. Among those born of women there is no one greater than John, yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. It is what Jesus Christ says about us that matters.
Do Not Mess With the Message, and Do Not Mess With the MessengerThese disciples of the Son of God have tasted and experienced so much of what has been real, but they are deserting and reverting to legalism. You must keep the old law and observe all the old rituals! That is what they had been advised to do! Now I have seen this happen all over the place. This is not ‘theory’. This is happening in Scotland. People revert to ‘norm’. That is a very real danger. They were also questioning Paul’s credentials. If Paul wasn’t really called by God, then you don’t have to pay all that much attention to what he preaches and teaches – very subtle. That is why Paul takes time to explain how he came into this ministry.
God’s Work EthicsGod has work ethics which when followed will definitely lead to a successful career. These work ethics are embedded in the creation system.