The Evil Heart of Unbelief
What can keep you from entering the rest of God? There remains a rest for all who will endure till the end. The prize for enduring till the end is great so also the consequence of not enduring till the end. Interestingly, what you get at the end is YOUR choice. This article stresses heart of unbelief as what will hinder you from entering the rest of God and encourages you to stop it before it stops you.
Psychic Kindergarten Vs Quantum UniversityMy original training in metaphysics was at a mystery school that described itself as a psychic kindergarten. It meant that we learn by doing. Nothing was written down, it was conducted in an oral tradition, classes were experiential.
Becoming the Person We’re BecomingDr Caroline Leaf says that what we think about most, grows. It is a truth that pierces the heart and compels understanding. Too often I have lazily allowed negative thoughts to grow to the point of overwhelming me. You too may ascend in agreement. If not, this article is not for you.
Christians and AnxietyChristians struggle with anxiety at times. Christian anxiety is more common than you may realize. This article seeks to discuss ways to combat anxiety so it doesn’t rob the Christian of their joy and witness on earth.
Why You Should Be Discovering Your Past LifeToday, we’re going to talk about what 97% of the world fail to accomplish; achieving your life’s purpose. That’s not just achieving it, but failing to even find out exactly what that is. So many people never realise what that is in life. Yet, we all have a purpose, but drifting from one year to the next aimlessly not finding that purpose, increases our chances of developing cancer, losing our homes or failing to gain the financial freedom we deserve. So, the need to find out why we should be delving into our past lives, is vital to help us avoid the disasters of this current life.
What’s It Gonna Take To Get Your Attention?Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt God was desperately trying to get your attention, as if to say… will you please just turn it off for a moment, take a breath, and be still! Recently, I was driving east on a clear, crisp, early morning just moments before the day broke.
The Importance of Praying Effectual Fervent Prayers in the SpiritWhy Pray? Men always ought to pray and not lose heart, lifting up Holy hands, without wrath and doubting. When you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites.
When All Around Is Being Shaken and Disturbed, Can There Be Peace, Hope and Assurance?There are political and economic difficulties in so many nations and there are moral and spiritual dilemma virtually everyone one looks. Can there ever be peace on earth as we observe all that is going on these dangerous days? We have serious division across the United States of America and in the United Kingdom we are wrestling with membership of the European Union and what the consequences might be when we finally leave, if we finally leave. In Nazareth, Mary became ‘greatly troubled’, and yet some 33 years later her sins were forgiven and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. We do not have to wait 33 years. Reconciliation with God through the risen Jesus need not take much longer than 33 minutes.
What Are You Going to Do With This Amazing and Astounding Gift – Your Answer Is VitalIt causes traffic jams, packed shops, irritates many, and can result in serious debt. Families and friends seek to gather together, with a special menu which many in other countries will not be offered. It split our calendar into B.C. and A.D., and now involves holidays, lights, cards and presents. What has all this to do with the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? Paul experienced the glorious riches and love of the Risen and Living Jesus who had met him and rescued him and saved him and transformed him and who then gave him a purpose and goal and aim for the rest of his life on earth! All this is on offer to you and for you. It is a gift from our Creator God. What are you going to do with this gift? Accept. Unwrap. Enjoy.
What Might the Best Body Posture Be in Times of Challenge and Danger and Spiritual Attack?One key to standing strong is kneeling often. Whatever might that mean and whatever might that involve? Peculiar laws are being passed in these days and many of them highly immoral. It is not the first time this has happened. There are people who always appear to want to be changing the culture and the basic morality in a society where that morality has stood good for many years and has served well, and there is a reason for that. Fear is simply a feeling which does not last. Every emotion is temporary. Daniel would not allow his emotions to control his decisions. Fear has been described as false evidence appearing real. Our emotions can lie to us. Fear can be uncomfortable as our palms become sweaty and we sense breathlessness. Fear grows when we give into it.
Learning the Indispensable Lesson of PatienceWhen I started a particular role, I had no idea how God would use it to fashion the character refinement I need right now, for character refinement is a right now kind of thing. In one word, patience. It continues to be an indispensable lesson through which God speaks.
Wonderful Episodes of Temples That Were Protected and Saved During Muslim InvasionThe atheists usually ask when there are so many Gods why not Hindu’s temples were not protected during Muslim invasion? God’s ways are inscrutable. Let us go through some historical incidents.Thirupparankundram temple near Madurai was saved by a sacrifice of a mason. Haridwar Bairava temple was saved by snakes. Real incidents are explained in this article.