As God’s Kingdom Purpose Increases in Us, Our Fear Decreases
As God’s Kingdom purpose increases in us, our fear decreases. Only Jesus offers us a purpose that transcends our fear. Remember my challenge to you earlier. For one week. Put those words up somewhere: As God’s Kingdom purpose increases in us, our fear decreases.
From The Dark And Into The LightIn the 1700’s William Cowper lost his mother at a young age. From that painful moment he spent much of his life battling depression and suicidal thoughts. His father sent him away to boarding school, and Cowper found himself feeling very alone in the world.
How to Develop an Open Relationship With GodDeveloping an honest and open relationship with God requires that we take the time to be with God. Our relationship with God should not be unlike any other friendship. We should spend time with God reading scripture, praying, and listening to Jesus. Otherwise, we won’t develop a close bond with Him. We all need a friend to talk to. Yes, we need our friends on earth. But more than that, we need our God to help us throughout the day. Our lives can be so fraught with uncertainty and difficulty. We can experience a lot of pain and hardship in our lives. So, developing a genuine relationship with our Lord can help us immensely to make our life less burdensome. It is so wonderful to have a Father who will always listen and be there for us with unconditional love. I will show you how to develop such a relationship in this article.
Blinded by Lies and Ignorance and the Work of Ancient TerroristsIt is nothing short of astounding that people are so ignorant and blind they cannot see what is immediately before their eyes. Right now in overcrowded cities the pollution is so thick that one needs a mask to breathe and lights to see. That same cloud of poison wafts over oceans and land masses to devastate all life and even that is not the worst of it.
What Is Spirituality and Why Religions War Against ItFollowing my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe (the real God and the intelligence behind all creation) the answer to that question is known to me. Between lives the connection with that entity was extremely strong. The different language i spoke was a puzzle to my parents as too my skills which were otherwise unexplainable.
How to Create Reality – A Simple Primer for Manifesting as an Infinite BeingReality is created from the non-physical. It’s created outside of time and space. It’s created beyond thought, although thought has an effect.
Why Are 22 Million People Presently Hungry or Starving When There Is Ample Food in the World?God cares about you, and He cares about how you care for others. Now, caring for others is not always easy. Jesus taught us to love our neighbour as ourselves, and that is where difficulties can arise. This is being written at a time when national and international scenarios appear to be serious and causing various people to become alarmed and perhaps even afraid. Is not the greatest need in our world today forgiveness? Herein lies the answer and the only real solution. Our patient God is always looking for fruit. How can you be fruitful? How can you become part of the answer and not part of the problem?
Meditation Techniques and Hatha Yoga BenefitsIn this article, techniques that enable one to bypass physical and mental distractions and go deep in meditation, and the benefits of traditional hatha yoga postures and guidelines for practicing them are clearly explained. The author has taught yoga for over 54 years and brings together in this article some of the most important practices used by yogis to relax the body and mind, enter the stillness and silence within, and awaken dormant spiritual faculties of the soul.
Do You See the Test?INESCAPABLE. Reality is unavoidable if living an abundant life is our serious goal. Truth is inexorably relevant for understanding and exploring purpose. Purpose is the underpinning premise of life. And yet, what comes with the territory of truth, purpose, the abundant life, and reality, is the test.
When HM The Queen Speaks Out So Openly and Courageously, We Should Never Be Afraid to Testify!It is always good to testify openly and publicly that you are “one of them” – that you belong to Jesus Christ, and follow Jesus Christ. As I write today it happens to be a most significant occasions for me. It was on this day 48 years ago that the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ baptised me in the Holy Spirit while sitting in the front room of our home in Fife, Scotland. A most close friend, Jim Kincaid, had been so patient with me over the past five weeks as I struggled and almost battled with this spiritual experience. Oh, I wanted it and longed for it, but thought it was not for me, and then within five brief moments it all happened and it all came true, and it has lasted. Jesus Christ is so faithful and loving and gracious and generous when He pours out the Holy Spirit. It happened on the day of Pentecost. It happened in that front room. It continues to happen today when men and women are open to all that Almighty God has for them.
The Empire Of Spiritual EnergyWe have to build, build, build at very deep levels to get where we genuinely want to go. That is where deep spiritual persistence comes in. I faced a crisis of futility a few hours ago that would make most people simply give up. But, I am not going to give up and I will tell you why.
Are You a Dreamer or a Visionary Witnessing Extraordinary Results and Consequences?Dreams can have significant consequences and none more so than in this young lad’s life. Of course, it did not only affect him. It influenced his family, surrounding nations, and virtually the entire Middle East at that time. He was a seventeen year old shepherd boy who said some bad things to his father about his siblings. Father loved this son more than the older boys. His siblings knew it, and hated him. They had a very different perspective on many of life’s major issues. There was an ability to look at circumstances from a very different angle and invariably it was highly positive. Never once did these leaders girn or groan or complain. Dreams are important but these men were much more than dreamers. They were visionaries and had the call of Almighty God upon their lives. That changes everything.