Empowering Entrepreneurs through Insight with Sadhguru

Connecting on New Levels

I believe that connecting with others on new levels is part of our spiritual journey. If we can connect with others from a place of unconditional love, maybe we can learn to love ourselves a bit better too. Here I discuss some elements of this connection.

Einstein, Stalin, Mahatma Gandhiji Tested Wolf Messing – More Incidents in Detail

Stalin tested Wolf Messing. Sigmund Freud tested in front of the Famous scientist Einstein. Mahatma Gandhi also gave a mental command to Messing which he carried out successfully. All these true incidents are explained in this article. Throughout his life Messing’s psychic abilities were tested again and again. Since he predicted the fall of Hitler, he was chased by Gestapo. He escaped to Russia. He was an entertainer showing his mental abilities. Read the full article.

Mastering the New Consciousness

We have already shifted to a new level of Consciousness, it’s just that not all of our bodies and personalities have come up to speed. For one thing, reality looks the same. For another thing, reality feels completely different.

Psychic Wonder Wolf Messing Met Sri Sathya Sai Baba Thrice: Baba’s Revealation!

The famous psychic Wolf Messing was born in a small village Gora Kaiwarida near Warsaw. Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder have written about him in their world famous book “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain”. He met Sri Sathya Sai Baba thrice in India Baba himself narrated the interesting incidents.

In the Present Political Climate, Why Pray When You Can Worry? There Are Many Who Are Worried

Even as I was preparing to prepare this article the political confusion appeared to be becoming increasingly confusing. Brexit is causing division in the United Kingdom. The news emerging from The White House in Washington D.C. continues to cause anxiety in the hearts and minds of many. When the disciples of Jesus were anxious and apprehensive and on the point of fear and worrying, Jesus pointed them to God the Father and said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled”. It was a heart issue. It was an emotion that needed a word of calm and peace and reassurance. Fear can have deep roots as can worry. One of my friends described worry as a form of atheism where individuals just do not trust Almighty God to act. Worry is a responsibility God never intended us to carry.

Can We Stand Politically Strong and Spiritually Courageous When Others Are Afraid and Trembling?

Insecurity abounds as I write this piece, and observe what is happening in Washington, London, as we await some answers and reaction from the Kremlin in Moscow. Anger appears to be increasing and disappointment is overwhelming many men and women and those in there teenage years too. It may be of some comfort to you as you read this to know that this is not the first time all this has occurred in the history of mankind. How do we trust God and behave when under pressure? It can be a strong witness and testimony.

In These Highly Challenging Times, Decide Never to Give Up and Never to Give in

“Everybody is talking about the Election. No matter who is elected, America is not going to be saved unless we have a moral and spiritual revival” – so said Billy Graham – in 1952! The situation has been serious before today. We need to remember this when so many are concerned and even worried about what is happening in Washington, and also in London on this issue of Brexit. Certain fear lead to wisdom and other types of fear can lead to cowardice and even giving up and giving in. Jesus Christ never gave up and He never gave in. He faced the cross with all its shame and pain. On that cross He shed His Blood to wash away our sin and when God the Father raised Him from the dead He poured out the Holy Spirit so that we might remain faithful and true and bold and brave and strong when faced with challenges and conflicts. May you know that anointing of the Holy Spirit enable you to be loyal and loving and powerful and gracious and forgiving in these difficult days.

Do You Trust Your Soul?

When you broaden your view of who you are and the reason(s) you are here, you will discover that you do not need to live small, be dictated by other’s opinions or fail to explore the possibilities. It is important that you take time each day to explore what it is all about, the reason(s) you are here, how you can grow and what you will give and receive.

The Size of God

While no human can ever measure the size of the Great Creator there are things we know about it. To begin with it is in every part of the Universe and in full control of all things. That means it is immeasurable in size and power.

God Won’t Allow What Won’t Ultimately Be Good For Us

Like many people, I hate clichés. When people simplify what can only ever be inordinately complex it does nothing to help the situations of suffering people find themselves in – whether it’s completely their own fault or totally out of their control, or myriad nuances of combination between.

Eclipse Energies and the Truth

Eclipses of the sun and moon are always powerful times of change. This information about the solar and lunar eclipses in February will help you understand the purpose and most beneficial use of these energies.

The One and Only Big Temple at Tanjore, an Architectural Wonder of the World!

The Big Temple built at Tanjore, South India was built by the great king Raja Raja Cholan. UNESCO has declared this temple as one of the important world heritage in 2004. The sanctum tower has 13 tiers built using granite to an astonishing height of 212 feet. The Lord is called as Brahadeeswara. The main Lingam is 13 feet high. The main Nandi is a very big one. Made of a single stone this Nandi is 19.5 feet long and 8.5 Feet broad and 12 feet high.

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