A Powerful Process to Experience the Divine | Sadhguru

Finding Freedom: A Return Home

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a jump first and let’s see where I land mentality. I am not sure at this point if this folly has always served me well. But the hunger for more reverberates so deep in my soul that it can’t be denied.

Turning the Reins Over to God

If it were a song, the title Turning the Reins Over to God would need to be set to ‘play repeatedly’. None of us like relinquishing control. And especially when we have least control.

Warning! Your Xerox May Also Be Reading This Article Right Now in a Parallel Universe!

It is not a joke. The great scientist Max Tegmark exactly begins his article in Scientific American May 2003 issue with these words only. What is parallel universe and who first proposed this theory? Hugh Everett was the first scientist who proposed this theory of multiple universe. Lord Krishna and saint Gnanasambandar broght back alive the Guru’s son and devotee’s daughter respectively who were dead long back. Read more about this in the article.

One Simplest, Most Powerful Faith

Read God’s Word. Meditate fully on its meaning. Pray accordingly. Meet with God. Enjoy life simply.

His Right Hand Sustains Us

Yet in it I discovered how powerful my standing is against Satan, and how secure my position is in Christ. This is not something I didn’t know, yet it’s easy to let your brain hide things which are extraordinarily important to our faith and to our relationship with God. And this isn’t a small thing, for I know firsthand how every Christian I know has gone through moments of weakness, and even of failure; moments when in spite of what they know, they feel defeated, incompetent, incapable to stand and fight.

Spiritual Similarities Between Hindus and Buddhists

There have many spiritual similarities are available between Hindus and Buddhists such as temple visit, or in Hindi they say mandir darshan, praying everyday morning, and much more. Know everything about the spiritual similarities between this two different religions.

Inspiring Anecdotes in the Life of Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati

Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati (Birth 8-5-1916 Samadhi 3-8-1993) was one of the greatest Hindu spiritual leaders of our times. He travelled length and breadth of the whole world and attracted thousands of followers. His Gita discourses were very famous. The Chinmaya movement was born out of love and rooted in the wisdom of Truth. Hundreds of interesting anecdotes happened in his life are being narrated by his devotees.

Five Tips for the Development of Self-Awareness

“Know Thyself” the maxim inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi can be seen as a provocation that is as relevant today as it was in Ancient Greece. But what does it really mean and how can we develop the kind of introspection that such an aspiration requires?

Getting Connected To Source

Want to feel more guided, inspired and energised? Want to feel more fulfilled? Try getting connected to Source. Here Helen explains what this means, what the benefits are and how to do it.

Repentant Brokenness and (Finally) God’s Glorious Power

Something happened in a man I once knew that convinced me that one event changed his entire life. Brokenness gave way not to despair alone, but it gave him cause to revere the truth. A truth that set him free in a way he had always wished to be free.

The Secret of Sri Yantra

Yantra can be simply explained as a divine geometry. There are many yantras. The most powerful yantra is called as Sri Yantra. It is also called as Sri Chakra. This has been worshipped in a specified manner from time immemorial in India. This is a symbol of both the Universe and its cause. The secret of Sri Yantra worship is that It will bestow wealth, health and above all salvation.

The Wonders of Sound

The ancient Hindu sages or ‘rishis’ used the sound for attaining higher status. They have understood the power of sound and effectively used it for healing various mental and physical diseases. The mantras which are basically sound waves aligned and arranged in a mysterious way resulted in bestowing whatever one wants.

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