From Little Things, Big Things Grow
One recent working day, a full eight-hours to labour, I had a revelation – why do I ask God to hurry those few hours? The truth is we all have components of our lives we would rather hasten or skip. But a bigger, burgeoning truth: hasten or skip anything and we rush to our deaths.
Consider It Pure Joy When You DoubtWhenever I hear the words, “Consider it pure joy… ” I’m reminded of James 1:2-4. That sentence continues to read, “… when you face trials of many kinds.”
Prayer for the World in Worrying TimesWithout much doubt we’re living in tremulous times. The tectonic shifts of seismic proportions in the previous year should cause us all concern.
Hear The CallIn life, we are constantly presented with lessons, specifically designed to help us grow and evolve. These lessons are simply reminders of what we already know, but for whatever reason, have been forgotten along the way. They help us to remember our truth within, to hear that call which has become a distant echo, lost amongst the chaos we so often find ourselves surrounded by in our day-to-day lives.
You Can Do All Things Through ChristThere are many things we normally want to accomplish in life as a believers. There are somethings that we do not attempt because of thoughts of limitations that we have. We just think that some things are impossible and that is where we stop.You can achieve anything you desire in your life. As long as you have a strong desire to accomplish it, it is possible. Just believe. All things are possible with him who believes.
Virtues: A Lesson in IntegrityI was supposed to have been asleep. It was ten minutes to two in the morning, after all, but anxiety had overridden my good intentions. Perhaps if I had been asleep with the lights off, she would not have seen a well-lit house through the closed curtains. Then again, it may have happened anyway.
Welcome Your Weaknesses or Hold Back Your StrengthsIf anything clutches us in the dim shame of life it’s our weaknesses, which we’d prefer to keep hidden. Whether it’s secrets of our family-of-origin, a hideous predilection, or just the stock-standard litany of personal limitations, it doesn’t matter. We do with all our conscious power that which our unconscious minds wants dealt with.
In Contemplation of Spiritual PresenceWhenever we’re engaged in thinking we cannot be present – i.e. we lose touch with being present in our senses when we’re engaged in thought. Contemplation is the mid-ground – part thinking, part presence. Anytime we’re busy thinking, or doing for that matter, which is also beyond contemplation, we lose presence.
The Timeline for End Times and RevelationThe basic timeline for Revelation is discussed in this article. The article covers a little of the past, present and future for end times and Revelation.
Do You Create Your Own Destiny?Sufi Teachings I’m on a 6 month course with Mark Silver at Heart of Business using Sufi principles. I did this course last year and it had such a profound effect on my life, and it’s the same this year. One of Mark’s teachings that has absolutely stopped me in my tracks and caused me to shift gears is around Free Will and Destiny.
The 99 Divine Healing NamesAllah The words Allah and God mean the essence of all things. There is nothing separate and everything is inclusive. In the Qur’an it asks Muslims to call upon Allah by his “most beautiful names.
The Fundamentals Of BuddhismMany ‘new agers’ and spiritual people in the West have a Buddha statue in their homes. But what is Buddhism all about really? Here’s my brief overview on the basics of Buddhism.