Do Cows Have Emotion | Sadhguru

Know Thyself First

Know thyself is the secret doctrine preached by the world teachers. Sanatkumara preached Narada to know himself first. Socrates preached his disciples to know themselves first. Ramana maharishi of India showed the path of enquiry -Who am I. Once this is found every thing is accomplished

Three Things I Do Every Day To Help Me Connect To Source

Some things become a habit for bad reasons, and some things become a habit for very good ones. These three things help me to connect to source every day.

The Everyday Relevance of the Wounded Healer’s Ministry

Through four open doors does Nouwen invite the minister, in exploring their own intrinsic contribution, as a putty to be moulded, through the hands of God’s Spirit, for the healing of others, not in spite of, but because of their own wounds. Walk right in.

Face To Face Psychic Reading: The Best?

Face to face psychic reading remains one of the best forms of reading and there definitely is more than one reason for the same. This remains one of the most common forms of professional consultation availed today.

How Do I Discover My Purpose? Start By Asking Yourself These 3 Questions

Contrary to what many people believe, you are not here just to take up space, meander around, watch reality TV, be miserable, or even eat chocolate. (I could have dealt with being here just to eat chocolate.) God has so much more for you. He wants you to love…

Strength Through Prayer

There is a certain way we must all go if we want to live on the “fat of the land”, and a certain door we must open to see reality and enjoy the gifts of the Universe, God, everything. That way is the use of our internal energies to tell it all (all that I mentioned above) what we genuinely want in a succinct and powerful way, yet not overtly where we become “control freaks” waiting for an answer.

Navigating Your Spiritual Path and Sensing Spiritual Energy

For as long as I can remember I have sensed energy, and it has helped me to navigate my spiritual path. Here are some thoughts on taking the journey.

Storage Pallets and a Spiritual Acceptance Opportunity

Saturday morning is a work morning, but a recent one was special. I had my buddy (three-year-old son) accompany me. We went to Bunnings Warehouse to pick up some used storage pallets.

God Is Working Here

I saw it on my morning walk, in a bird drying itself on a rock on a bank of the Canning River. I felt it in my spirit as God ministered in the silence between a dear friend who’s suffering and I. I have, at times, sensed there was a pervading and veritable darkness that hovered because of a perceived lack of it. But I heard it, too, as I conversed with another dear ministry friend as he shared with me how he has seen God working in his midst, in ways he wouldn’t have seen had bad things not happened.

Letting Go: Homecoming to the Heart

Letting go opens us up to experience and embody the vastness within. It connects us with our deeper, more creative self. But letting go it’s a journey, a process of transformation where one must hold on and let go in the same time to achieve mastery and balance.

Judgment: Where Do We Stand?

We all will be judged at the seat of judgement of Christ.A great multitude, yet no one will be lost in the crowd, (Rev.7:9) declared, “After this I beheld, and, Lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; We shall be conscious of the great number which no man can number, and yet be impressed with our individuality. For we must all appear one by one.”

Christ, the Rock of Ages

In creating us and God being a soiled rock we can place our trust in him and stand on the rock in times of troubles. The rock is here to stay and we can continue to walk on that rock in the midst of darkness. The enemy is powerful, but not powerful enough to destroy the rock of ages. Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation, “for in him we live, and move and have our being,” (Acts 17:28)

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