Scary Truths About Reality Enlightened people are scared to share (Autobiography Of a Yogi)

Jesus Loves You

The Lord could have destroyed the world in the days of the flood, but chose the way of love “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Gen. 6:9)

A Message From God To You

Light is God’s apparel, “Thou coverest thyself with light as with a garment.” Light abides with him. “The light dwelleth with him.” God abides in it, “dwelling in light unapproachable.” He has called you and I to walk in that light. “Who hath called you out of darkness into the marvelous Light.” (I Peter 2:9).

Are You Sure About Your Security?

Life is proverbially uncertain, “We know not what shall be on the morrow” (James 4:14). All of us live among the unexpected. We must not take nothing for granted that is still in the future. We must keep in our mind the idea of the unexpected puts an end to carnal security.

The Vessels Appropriate for Signs and Wonders

Why are there no consistent and continuous flow of signs and wonders, miracles like the days of the apostles? God is still the God of signs and wonders today but He is limited by the vessels that carry the anointing. Most of the vessels want to be used, but they are too busy to be used by God. This article aims at redirecting God’s vessels to the most important thing to do to be used of God.

God’s Word Is Simple Because God Is Simple

Are you simple? One of the wonderful things about the Lord is that He is simple, yet He is the Almighty God. Life may be cruel to you but not God. This article aims at encouraging you to learn from God and to be likewise.

Slavery to Psychological Systems – An Obstruction to Natural Spirituality

Freedom from fear and self-interest are required to understand the spirituality that is beyond the conventional mind’s scope. That is, we have to free ourselves from slavery to religious and other systems. Natural spirituality is a glorious field. Attention to it can bring in very healthy changes to our daily life, helping us lead a peaceful and meaningful life. It will also pave the way to our understanding Divinity, rather than finding satisfaction in using God to fulfill our egoistic needs..

Don’t Waste Time With These Flawed Spiritual Tips

Thanks to modern technology and the Internet, you’ll find an abundance of spiritual information online when you seek answers to your spiritual questions. Unfortunately, so much of it is spiritual advice you should ignore.

The Natural Spirituality and Its Universality – Freedom From Spatial and Temporal Dependence

The true spirituality is beyond time and so it is untouched by historicity and geographical space specific issues. Thus it is available to all human beings irrespective of what religion they belong to or which part of the earth they come from. The universality of true spirituality is proven by many paranormal phenomena.

The Essential Question

The most important question we can ask ourselves consists of three words: Who am I? Indeed, it is a question that invites regular and frequent exploration and contemplation, and one that has become increasingly essential to my ability to find grounding and peace no matter what is unfolding in my physical life.

I AM A Spiritual Solution To A Legal Issue

I found that words don’t always express the truth but standing tall in my truth expresses everything. In the end, it was not by taking this person to court that I found peace. It was by finding peace in everything that I was freed from the prison of my fearful mind.

How To Recognise When Your Intuition Is Talking To You

Want to be more intuitive? Then learn to listen to that intuitive voice. Here are some BIG POINTERS that your intuition is having a word with you!

What Is The Primary Use of My Body?

The goal of this writing is to help readers identify the reason for our existence, and to experience a life that’s greater than what most have ever known. After many years of seeking I have found a new zeal for living, and it’s only because of what I’ve found to be true in me and may also be in you.

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