The Funny Thing About Choices
I recently spoke with someone who felt they were being treated unfairly and with disrespect by their love interest. Which brought up the very sensitive subject about choices.
Is It Possible To Win Love Using Vashikaran Vidhya?Love is definitely a very pious feeling. The attraction between different sex is a natural thing. But love is very different from attraction. It is a holistic feeling. The love can be in between people of same age, it can be motherly love, fatherly love, love between siblings, etc.
Disregard These Spiritual TipsThere’s no shortage of spiritual information online. Seek answers, and you shall find helpful information. But you’ll also find plenty of spiritual advice you should ignore.
Just Fix the FenceDo you ever find yourself feeling foolish for resisting what you feel you could have embraced? – as a product of hindsight. I had one of these experiences recently. I loathed the thought of doing a thing, and yet, in the doing of that thing, God spoke through it powerfully.
Remember Faith Is Active – Be Willing To Take That First StepWe really don’t have to know what’s around the corner until we get there, do we? We simply have to start the engine and put our vehicle in motion. This means being willing to take that first step in faith and allow the Universe to guide you each step of the way Look inward and outward for the signs and be open to all possibilities because your willingness will show you a safe way, often very different than what you could ever imagine.
It May Just Be a Gel Pen, But It Means So Much MoreA school teacher is beckoned over to a desk where a student has lashed out at a fellow student for ‘taking things’. The teacher is tempted to chastise the student who lashed out, but has the presence of mind to investigate the matter further. He finds out that the one gel pen that this student has was borrowed by the student with whom he lashed out. It turns out that the student who borrowed the gel pen has a thirty-pack of her own.
It’s The End Of The World!Crazy things are being reported in the news. It’s confusing. Frightening, even. We’re grieving the loss of what should be. Angry at what is. Scared of what could be.
My Willingness To Do Whatever It Takes Released Me From The Prison Of My MindThe women’s husband had led a very hard and painful life. His wife asked him how he managed to remain positive and happy after all that had been done to him and all that had happened. His answer was something like this: “Forgiveness, Why? Because it’s easier.” You only have to forgive once and it is done. On the other hand, to keep unforgiveness, resentment or hatred alive we have to remember and think about the bad things every day over and over again. That is hard work.”
A Conscious LifeA song is blaring on the radio. I do not realize it yet, but it is my favorite song; I am too preoccupied with an endless stream of thoughts: This traffic is draining. Should I bring up the technical issues we had last week during my meeting?
Mistakes Committed by People While Choosing AstrologersIn spite of the fact that there is no dearth of astrology services out there in the market, choosing an astrologer is not really an easy exercise. You might have a few of your friends hailing the role of an astrologer in their lives while there are others who will complain of being simply robbed of their money.
Pride Doesn’t Have to Precede the FallEveryone loves the humble (apart from the envious). They’ve learned to expose their pride. Rather than inwardly grumble. They’d prefer to be honest than hide.
Who Is Responsible, Who Is to Blame?When things go wrong, when setbacks and adversity strike, we look for who to blame. This impulse may be a reaction that attempts to get away from the utter helplessness we feel. Better to go toward and into the experience of helplessness (it doesn’t, hurt us, though it hurts; it’s not really unbearable or overwhelming, those are just ideas) and look for the one who is helpless.