The 4 Stages of Life Everyone Should Know | Sadhguru

Forgive Them For They Don’t Know What They Do

Are you finding it difficult to forgive? Or what can’t you forgive? Everyone has a seed of forgiveness in him or her, put in there by God. We are meant to allow it to grow and bear fruit. This article uses Jesus as our example to show the root of forgiveness.

Torment Me Not!

Have you ever wondered why Jesus granted the demons their request in Luke 8:26-39? Do you wish that wicked people will just disappear or be destroyed? As much as one would like that, it happens not to be God’s best for them. This article reveals Christ’s best for them.

Nature of Individual Reality

Why are we condensed into a single point of consciousness in this reality? What are the roots of our individual experiences? What is the nature of reality? In order to get a glimpse at the final answers to these questions, we will undertake a thorough mental inquiry. We will determine the rules of the life’s game. We will also be introduced to the concepts of underlying perfect reality, veils of ignorance, holographic principle and other important ideas.

How I Turned Failure Into Instant Success Through Shifting My Perception

Very soon after, while sitting in nature I began to see this experience through new eyes. I could see how the idea of failure came about and how it had played out in my life over and over again. It really was an old pattern of behaviour repeating itself, being presented for me to acknowledge and a golden opportunity to let go of the unfaithful idea.

What Is Happening When NOTHING Is Happening?

There is *a lot* going on in the world right now. People are experiencing extremes – extreme emotions, extreme challenges, and being affected by other people’s extreme stresses. If you’re feeling that right now, do yourself a favor and take a time out.

Nothing Makes Faith Right More Than a Right Heart

Jousting with the Pharisees, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?” (Matthew 9:4 NIV) Earlier in verse 2, having seen the faith of a paralysed man’s friends, Jesus commends this man whom He heals to “take heart… ” One word, two contexts.

Strenuous Rest – Growth in the Kingdom of God

There is a harrowing truth about life, which is growth, for nothing defines life better than growth. If we don’t grow we rescind. In growth, there’s heaven, the veritable abundant life, but hell is saved for the lazy.

Obedient Perseverance in the Pruning Season

Let us commence an awkward topic in the right way. The basis of Jesus, Himself.

Message of the Universe: Spiritual Sense at Its Best!

It is sometimes crucial to get out of this physical earth and focus more on the spiritual. WE are humans of habits and we focus a lot on financial success because society focus a lot on that. We forget that most of the humans on Earth survive without the need of driving a Rolls Royce or Lamborghini or mansion the size of a city. Going back to the bare minimum when it comes to living is what will make you realize what is really important.

Relationships: Does Spirituality Allow People To Romanticize Their Issues?

When someone’s life is not going as they would like it to go, there are a number of things that they can do. This could be a time where one will end up feeling like a victim, and they could then suffer in silence. One will then continue to live their life in the same way, and this can mean that their life will gradually get even worse. What this will show is that one will have resigned themselves to what is taking place.

5 Ways You’ll Impress Jesus By Being Countercultural

Here they are, straight off the bat: 1. Be nice to everyone. 2. Keep your promises. 3. Forgive. 4. Shun notoriety. 5. Pray.

Next Life! Some Thoughts on Reincarnation and the Church

Why would the Christian Church emphatically oppose reincarnation? Why would it put so much effort into trying to eradicate this belief? And why would it keep emerging within diverse Christian sects and even in the Church itself? We wonder whether it is possible for those who believe in reincarnation to find a home in the Christian church today?

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