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Man’s Dreams Versus the Spirit of the Universe

The sickening and pathetic dreams of men has allowed religious indoctrination and systems to rise against the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God. Intelligence is about common sense and the ability to see logic. There is no such pattern in the minds of those who are so indoctrinated with lies and the dreams of others that they fail the most basic IQ test, the reality of what is before their eyes.

What Do Your Personal “Scars” Reveal?

“Scars remind of us where we have been. They don’t have to dictate where we are going.” This quote is from an episode of Criminal Minds. I love how this series intersperses pithy sayings throughout the show each week. I’m always entertained by the appropriateness of each aphorism.

10 Lessons From Lord Buddha for Modern Men

The teaching of religious scholars have relevance even today. The steps should be taken to teach what these great people have provided through their lives. With this thing in mind, we have listed out 10 lessons that people can draw from the life of Lord Buddha in this article.

A Telltale Sign Someone Is Possessed

How can you tell if someone is possessed? Does possession really happen, or is it a myth? We’ve found in over 20 years of empirical research that demonic and spirit possession is far more common than most people realize.

Forming a Spiritual Connection With the Divine Power

People take great pains in ascertaining this faith. We find numerous cases wherein people devote their entire lives to service of mankind and service of humanity in general. Mother Teresa, for instance was one of them.

Jade: A Symbol of Serenity and Purity

Jade is the symbol of serenity and purity. Much prized in the East, it signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. Jade is associated with the heart chakra and raises love and nurturing. It really is a protective natural stone, which keeps the wearer from injury and brings tranquility. It provides good fortune and friendship.

Garnet: A Natural Energizing Stone

Garnet is an energizing and regenerating natural stone. It reenergizes and cleanses chakras. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing love or serenity as appropriate. It is stated to have the ability to warn of approaching danger and was way back when carried as a protective talisman. Garnet is one of the very most plentiful stones. It offers several forms relating to its nutrient base, each which have different properties as well as the generic attributes.

Resting In God

Are you tired of that challenge? Challenges drain people’s energy and make them despair of life. Such people sometimes wish morning never comes. But this is not the case for those who rest in God. This article admonishes that you cease the struggle and rest in Christ Jesus.

How May We Be Rescued From Moral Darkness and Religious Death and Experience the Power of God?

A move of the Holy Spirit today can reverse cultural and moral and religious trends as the Holy Spirit points men and women to Jesus Christ the Saviour, who can rescue from sin and disaster and tragedy. In a day and at a time when everything is being shaken, who should we be rooted and where should we be rooted? We are to be rooted and grounded in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Paul had a commendation for Church of Jesus Christ in Thessalonica and it was simply this. We commend you because we see your faith is growing and your love is increasing. Is faith and love growing and increasing in these present days? In some places it is and in some lives it is.

Three Cords to Identity – Knowing, Accepting, Embracing

Frustration is something I’ve been pondering in a season where exposure to frustration has been a cherished opportunity, yet only cherished as a product of later reflection. Gradually God has been teaching me something about frustration through my immersion in it. Not that I haven’t had significant immersion in frustration beforehand; just that this season has sprinkled frustration throughout my experience effervescently. This is what God has shown me: frustration is alleviated when identity is addressed in: 1) knowing our purpose; 2) accepting it; and, 3) embracing it.

Can Sincere Prayer and the Fruit and Power of the Holy Spirit Help You Do What God Calls You to Do?

Some weeks ago I was asked to speak and teach on prayer and I hesitated and actually said “No”. Why did I say “No”? I explained to the person who asked me that it would be best if you just went and prayed. I think that was what happened. I do hope that was what happened. Many Christians are so spiritually frail, sickly, and lacking in spiritual vitality that they cannot stick to prayer for more than a few minutes at a time. That can be true. Work at it. Be determined. Sow and reap the blessings and rewards. Through Christ you can absolutely, unequivocally do anything God places before you. These words are so helpful when I feel so weak.

It Is Most Unwise to Reject the Powerful Effective Advice Which Almighty God Offers Each of Us!

How would Almighty God deal with an adulterous nation? The centres of worship had become corrupt. Seek the Lord, or else! Now that is strong, and is almost repulsive. Yes, that is what Amos the prophet of God prophesied and preached and spoke. Some would not want to hear this sort of thing, then nor today, but it just happened to be true, and just happens to be true. It will be like a fire without a fire brigade. It can feel like that in our so-called sophisticated society today. Seek the Lord, or else! Now that is strong, and is almost repulsive. Yes, that is what Amos the prophet of God prophesied and preached and spoke. Some would not want to hear this sort of thing, then nor today, but it just happened to be true, and just happens to be true.

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