Live Life With Positive Emotional Charges: INSTANT Anxiety Relief – 7 MUST KNOW Tips

Mysticism: Five Stages of Becoming a Mystic

The five stages of mysticism aren’t as complex as you may think. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to have a long mane of white hair and live in an exotic, remote part of the world to be a mystic.

If You Want To Receive The Right Answer You Have To Ask The Right Question

The real question is “Are you asking the right question?” As I tuned in this is what was revealed to me. The question is not whether to buy the house or not; the real question is will you allow yourself to live a comprehensive life or will you let your self live a life that will do? The real question is “Is the decision you are trying to make coming from a place of love or is it coming from a place of fear?”

Who Is Behind The Wheel Of Your Vehicle, Faith Or Fear?

For fifteen years since 1999, I traveled up and down the highway to the Sunshine coast to deliver some life-changing workshops or seminars. At times, on the road to and fro I had some incredibly deep and meaningful insights which turned out to be life-changing for me. It was as a presence came into my hands to guide me through the life threatening storms.

Declaring I AM Brings Forth The Powerful Presence That Transforms Our Beliefs Into Reality

As I started out in my new career I began to declare my intentions as an Inspirational writer and Speaker as if they were already true. At first just saying I AM an Inspirational writer felt very uncomfortable. It didn’t feel real or true. It felt as if I had to wait to become successful (what ever that means) before I could successfully call myself a writer. Not true! These I AM declarations were like my calling card inviting the greatness already within me to rise. It is in the declaring I AM an Inspirational writer that we touch base with the Inspiration within that allows me to write and to deliver talks in a way that inspires others.

I Became A Seeker

After my hometown experienced a devastating flood, most of the town’s people were traumatized and feeling the strain of recovery, which was worse than the flood itself. Losses such as photos, family heirlooms, and other memorabilia left them adrift about their place in life. My husband, David, and I were included among those feeling the strain.

Oh, to Them Who Die

We only have the one death to endure. It is enough for us. It is a great encouragement that that one death is nothing more than anyone else has to endure. In this we face what all in humanity face, whether by pain or by peace. And death is but a transition.

I Became A Seeker

After my hometown experienced a devastating flood, most of the town’s people were traumatized and feeling the strain of recovery, which was worse than the flood itself. Losses such as photos, family heirlooms, and other memorabilia left them adrift about their place in life. My husband, David, and I were included among those feeling the strain.

Oh, to Them Who Die

We only have the one death to endure. It is enough for us. It is a great encouragement that that one death is nothing more than anyone else has to endure. In this we face what all in humanity face, whether by pain or by peace. And death is but a transition.

Chakra Balancing With Healing Stones

Each of us have an Energy body that is a very complex system. Each aura has a seemingly definite boundary and very individualistic, but at the same time one must also be aware that each energy body is actual energy, therefore, it cannot remain isolated. Our energies are constantly exposed to so many other energy bodies and are susceptible to developing cloudy, closed, and off sync chakras as a result. Healing the chakra is easy to do and can be extremely beneficial. The use of stones enhances and intensifies the healing and aligning process.

7 Chakras for Beginners

What are Chakras? Chakra is a from the Hindu language, called Sanskrit, meaning “wheel” or “disk” which is derived from the root word “cakra”. Chakras are spinning wheels of light and energy. Chakras are responsible for taking in, fusing and giving off energy to keep us functioning at our best. Chakras are the energy centers of the body. These spinning wheels of energy connect to large nerve centers in our bodies. Each of the seven main chakras hold bundles of nerves, major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being.

Is There Healing Anywhere for My Hurt Heart, and Peace for My Troubled Mind?

People are deeply hurt and pained and scarred and scared and wounded because of the lack of these qualities, and yet, our gracious loving forgiving God desires to see these grow and be produced within our lives. Why do you judge your brother? Why do you think you are better than he is? We are all going to stand before Almighty God one day, and God is going to judge us. Scripture asks and answers fundamental basic questions. These questions are confronting society today, as never before. The law can never change people. Only Jesus Christ changes people, where it really matters. Only Jesus Christ can transform people from bigots and bullies, into loving God, and loving your neighbour.

How Mediums Can Help You Live a Better Life

Mediums have been a part of our culture since the beginning of recorded time. Many people have sought out the advice of psychics to help improve their personal outlook on life. With the advent of modern technology seeking their insight has quickly become an internet trend. Spiritual guidance can benefit individuals lives in several unforeseen ways.

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