What Does it Mean to be a Brahmachari? | Sadhguru

Does Heaven Really Exist As A Peaceful Place Or As A Peaceful State Of Mind?

So what if Heaven is simply a higher or altered state of consciousness or a higher state of awareness that is reachable to everyone? What if the connection with Jesus or other spirit beings, including family is real? What if our body really is simply a channel for spirit to work through? And what if those inspirational or intuitive messages we receive are in truth our inner spirit or inner tutor guiding us?

Ho’oponopono, Peace in the Middle East

Aloha my friends! Back from New York City! Yes, totally unexpected unplanned vacations! Sunday night I found out about some meetings between Palestinians and Israelis organizations getting together in New York and Washington DC and Monday, the following day, at 4 pm I was on the plane to New York!

Message From the Universe: The Voice From Above!

Always listen to the voice from above and especially, the voice from within. This is definitely the voice of reason and wisdom. So when you are in doubt, pay attention to the voices you have from within, and ignore all the advice you hear from others who will NOT assume the responsibilities of their advice, if anything goes wrong. Always learn that part.

Denial and Delusion

As we experience ourselves as Consciousness, pain will be replaced with love. Constriction will be replaced with expansion. We will breathe easier. We will stand taller.

Inner Self – The Path to Ultimate Truth

In this universe there are multiple things we know about. There are various fundamentals to research upon and keep ourselves updated. What, When, Why & Where are the most obvious question we seek an answer for every time. This craving for more has made us knowledgeable & prosperous. Really, knowledge is the beacon of our life.

Even Now, Already It Is In The World

We run about seeking happiness, or simply trying to live our lives. Wouldn’t it be great to have a high order of purpose in your life? If you knew the effect that you wanted, you could plan how to get there, and you would have a better chance to see and avoid something that might rob you from achieving your effect. Did you know that the world is filled with something that wishes to do exactly that? It is something very old, and it is evil.

Want Some Spirituality With Your Potatoes and Carrots?

I love my work for the fact that whilst I’m on the road, delivering meals to very vulnerable people, listening to some didactic radio, God speaks. He always speaks. And He gives me some wonderful opportunities in the interactions I have with the fifty or so clients I deliver to. I have the privilege of serving all these people, and my few minutes of ‘pastoral care’ makes much of a difference to some.

The Messiah’s Ministry In Deepest Discouragement

There are times in all our lives when we’re driven into the deepest discouragement. Times when everything we could do, we’ve done, where all we could be, we’ve been. We entrust our vulnerability, berthing in the safest harbour, yet find that that port has since been declared unfit for mooring.

Are There Many Ways to Almighty God or Was Jesus Christ True? We Need An Answer!

Do we not meet this type of challenging questioning more frequently than we would like to admit? As faith in Jesus Christ and belief in the Bible as the Word of God are being marginalised this appears to be becoming more relevant and apposite. How do you handle faith in Jesus Christ, when people suggest, that you are dumb, or daft, believing that? Jesus Christ taught, “I am the way and the truth and the life, and no man comes to Father except through me”. Now, that statement in John Chapter 14 is absolutely true or Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a liar, and I would not want to be in that camp of unbelief and rebellion. Over these many years, I have found Jesus Christ, and the Bible, to be true, faithful, and utterly and totally reliable.

Psychic Readings – What Is Better: Live or By Phone?

Many people believe that a live psychic reading–one conducted in-person–will somehow prove to have a greater degree of accuracy. In this article I address the question from the perspective of the psychic medium, including discussion of how intuitives receive information and what to expect during a psychic reading.

Ethics, Values, and Morals (and Consciousness)

When you align your body/ personality/ intellect/ mind with yourself as Consciousness then your sense of right and wrong becomes clear. Your Moral compass is clearly about You and how You want to navigate life.

Get Beyond Your Comfort Zones to Receive Your Greatest Breakthrough!

You have to get beyond your Comfort Zones to receive all that God has for you. To get beyond your Comfort Zones you have to step into the unknown on faith. Here is a great tip from Dr. Calvin Ellison on starting to get beyond your Comfort Zones.

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