Why You Should Chew Your Food 24 Times | Sadhguru #shorts #sadhguru #food #health #foodtip

Ways Your Reality Will Be Different on the Other Side

Based on our experience with past life regression, life-between-life regression, documented near death experiences, and the after life research of Stafford Betty, we believe there is nothing to fear about death. When you shed your physical body, your soul moves on to a different dimension. Once there, since you’ll no longer be confined by the limits of your physical body, mind, biases, excuses, fears, and earthly programming, your perception of yourself and your actions in all your past lives will be crystal clear.

Was This Faith Healing Or Was It Coincidence?

You can imagine how surprised I was when the doctor announced that he couldn’t find the lump. He must be nuts, I thought, it’s so obvious. Off I went again to make another appointment for an ultra sound. As I hopped back into the car I touched my breast, and to my amazement I couldn’t find anything. The lump had disappeared somewhere on the half an hour trip to the specialist.

Who Are You Following Today For Your Success In Life?

Where are you going and who is guiding you to the place? Some people know where they are going but are following the wrong guides. It is one thing to know where you are going, and another thing to know how to get there. This article emphasizes the importance of following the right guides.

What Is Your Worth As A Christian?

Are you a believing Christian? Do you feel cheated because you are saved? Some Christians sometimes feel they are missing out something because they are saved. This I attribute to lack of knowledge, because if you know who you are in Christ, you will be on top all the time. This article aims at painting a picture of your worth as a Christian.

Miracle Working God – The Alpha and the Omega

Do you know the reasons why God is a miracle working God? One important reason is that He is the Alpha and the Omega! An understanding of this truth will increase your faith in God and you will see more miracles in your life. This article explains more of God’s position as the Alpha and the Omega.

Love God and Hear God

Are you hearing from God? Do you desire to hear from the Lord? This is a good desire but are you qualified to hear from Him? Many people desire to hear from Christ but are not close enough to hear Him even when He is speaking. This article emphasizes the need to love God if you are to hear from God.

Jumping Down the Self-Sabotaging Well

“Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn’t happen.” ~ Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby. I am blessed with some of the most incredible and amazing clients on the face of this Earth, however, sometimes some of them jump down the self-sabotaging well on a regular basis. I will tell them exactly what will happen, when and how an event will happen, and what not to do when it does happen, and these people will do the opposite of what I tell them within minutes of hanging up the phone with me.

Let Your Emotions Empower You

I had an interesting conversation with my son this morning about emotions. We were speaking about a friend of his who has great difficulty in expressing his feelings. This young man internalizes his negative emotions and even puts a cap on his positive ones. He believes his feelings, good or bad, make him weak and vulnerable.

Is There Any Real Help Anywhere Which Might Resolve What I Am Facing and Going Through?

What problem are you facing today? Which problems cause you to have most concern and anxiety, and even worry? Are there hurts and habits and hang-ups which continually dog our lives? Is there anything real and relevant and simple that might help us today and tomorrow and the even for the rest of our lives? Does that sound a tall order? What is the impossible problem in your life? Business, debt, money, neighbours, emotions, health, hurts, habits and hang-ups? There is a solution. There is an answer. There is a way out.

What If Every Person Who Comes Into Our Life Is An Angel – Sometimes Very Heavily Disguised?

Recently, through a set of very uncomfortable circumstances I came to see what looked like an enemy to really be a wonderful and well disguised angel for me. What took place with her felt like spit and at the time seemed to make me question every thing about myself. However, in truth it brought to the surface every deep-rooted doubting question or belief I was holding onto to be resolved, dissolved so I can evolve. It felt like a nightmare but in truth it was the perfect path to bringing my dreams into reality.

Learning From Past Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes – you, me – the president. Let’s stop condemning people and offer suggestions and encouragement that might help. Being analyzed for every wrongful deed we do or didn’t do or ridiculed because we made a mistake is not the answer.

We Are the Fifth Books of Apostles (Unrecorded)

Whether we write, teach, sing or preach, we are paving the way for others and laying out the blueprint and proving the Bible just as others have done for us. And we are preparing our own generational gospel to share with the world.

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