The Paradox of Self in the Art of Service
Serving God requires availability and willingness; nothing else, certainly nothing that we can ‘bring’. Then the Holy Spirit shows us what to do. It’s then that God shows us He’s alive, with us, in the very minute service we’re doing.
Challenges Of Being Different For JesusAre there challenges standing out for Christ? The possibility of challenges makes some people not to decide for Jesus; however, that will be foolishness. The truth is that if you are for Christ, you will have, not only blessings but also challenges, and being prepared for it will enable you to stand till the end. This article tells you more about these challenges.
Go AgainAre you about giving up on God answering your prayers? God does not store prayers, He answers them. Unanswered prayer today does not mean unanswered prayer tomorrow. There is need for you to be persistent till you receive your answers. This article emphasizes that you should not quit but that you should go again.
Terrestrial Life (The Temporal Presence)I have gained new insights from a recent dream that I had about a woman of a past relationship. In the terrestrial Presence that relationship started out great but ended in a disaster, all due to me. In this dream that I was having of this woman we were united in a bond of felicity and harmony. In this dream, we were both young, healthy, and beautiful. In this dream, we had concerns that we had to address and we dealt with these issues as a cohesive coalition.
The People of God Can Affect an Entire Nation, and an Entire Generation, for Good, or for Ill!They had never met God and they had never made their peace with God. Amos is saying, now get ready to meet Him in a way you never thought you would ever meet Him. God’s patience has its limits. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Amos speaks about how mighty our almighty God is, and who our almighty God is. He is the Creator.His word to the people is ‘Seek Me and live’. Come to God and live. Come to God for saving secure safe wholesome life! They thought they had come to God. They thought they were all right, but that was not so. For Israel, they were pleased to go to the place of worship and visit the so-called holy places, offering sacrifices and observing the traditional rites and rituals. For Amos the man of God, worship involved obedience to His law, making His Will one’s own, living in communion with Him, and behaving compassionately and morally.
Walking With Jesus and Defining Your RelationshipDefine Your Relationship… Jesus came to the world and made a great mark-He fulfilled God’s will, saving and redeeming mankind back to himself,He didn’t do it alone… He needed people to reach people. He believed in people yet he never took for granted the weaknesses and the tendencies of those with whom he usually came in contact. Hence, he defined his relationships, this was clearly seen in the levels and the nature of the relationship he maintained.
Not Your ClubhouseWe live in the information age. Technology has made communication universal. That means that we are bombarded with messages from individuals and from those who want to sell us something. If we are not wholly “me focused” naturally, we receive way too many daily messages to make us this way. This distraction can make us miss something important and special.
Youth Ministry Object Lesson – Spiritual TagOur spiritual walk is in many ways like a game of tag. There are three key components to any game of tag: 1) You chase or pursue 2) You flee or run away 3) People get tagged. Spiritually, because of our disobedience to God we are tagged as sinners. And like those in the game we are stuck in our current position and unable to break ourselves free. Only when Jesus frees us are we able to be truly free. Unfortunately, sin often touches our lives again and we find ourselves back in the same condition. Because of this the Bible gives us a number of things we should flee. But at the same time it gives us things we should chase after, things we must pursue. So are you ready for a game of tag?
Healing From Cheating and LiesPatient: Dana. Medical Issue: Nerve pain in hands and feet. Weak legs.
How to NOT Get What You WantAre you tired of all the self-help books and articles out there telling you to do this or do that for health, wealth and happiness? Do you sit there and roll your eyes and eat bonbons while you are reading these things, thinking “yeah right, what do they know?” All the while longing for something more but never achieving it? Here’s how to continue NOT getting what you want.
When We Love Those Who Bear God’s ImageGod showed me something at the shopping mall. Every individual was beautiful before me; every unique soul, living a matchless life, in the service of hope, for a purpose they determined as best. As I looked everywhere, all about me was the same image; myriads of people, all beautiful, all beloved, all bearing the same resemblance. And as I looked, God did something in my heart; all indifference, intolerance, and cynicism ebbed away, and with it, all vanity. Suddenly, my heart was so full of love, my mind had no space for anything else.
Tantric Peace in the Face of ViolencePeace in the world starts with ourselves first. When we learn to find inner peace, we can then start to create global peace. Most of us are not able to leave our lives and go become activists or join a movement. However, by setting an example in our communities we can create a ripple effect that shows others how to be at peace as well.