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Want to Heal? Be Real About How You Feel

As I listen to the Titanic soundtrack, memorials of loss are felt on the palate of my soul. Music evokes something eternal within the deepest reaches of our psyche. We enter a provocation of feeling; we’re drawn toward it, to enter it, and what we enter is a healing space, for we’re being real about how we feel.

Benefits of Being Different for Jesus

Does it pay to stand for Jesus and be different from others? Living your life to the glory of God has blessings attached to it. God is not a ‘user of men’ but a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). This article tells you what you will gain for separating your life for Jesus.

How to Be Different for Jesus

Is it difficult to be different for Christ? Surely what you don’t know how to do will seem difficult to do, however when you know the ‘how to’ of a thing and practice it, it becomes a walk-over for you. Being different for Jesus entails a progressive walk with Him. This article tells you how you can be different for the Lord.

The Reasons To Be Different For Christ

Why should you be different for Jesus? Joining the company of those that are different for Christ is a major decision to take and a wise one too. A person that is different for the Lord is treasured in God’s kingdom. This article gives the reasons why you should be different for Jesus Christ.

God & Prayers

Does God hear my prayers? Does God listen to my prayers? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers if God is listening to me?

In This Battle, Arising in ‘the West’, We Are Going to Need All That Jesus Christ Supplies!

Do not turn away from Almighty God. Do not turn away from Jesus Christ and His Word as we have that holy Word in the Bible. Jesus Christ loves you more than you may realise and the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ wants to use you in ways which perhaps you have never thought of, just as God took that shepherd and farmer, Amos. Jesus chooses and calls. Jesus chooses so that we might follow. Amos is strong and courageous and bold. We will need to know something of that in these coming weeks and months as the situation in the west deteriorates. We have been infiltrated and invaded and occupied. Are you aware of that physically as well as spiritually?

Unhappy Because You’re Not Happy?

I recently gave a reading to client where this statement came up. And it occurred to me that this situation is more common than people realize. So what do I mean by “Are you unhappy because you’re not happy?” It’s surprisingly simple and basic.

Not A Hypocrite

Accusations of hypocrisy among Christians is quite common. Jesus issued some of His strongest words against hypocrites. It is a serious subject. The subject is also very often misunderstood and misused. In this piece, I bring some needed clarification for those who are trying to faithfully follow Jesus and those who have been contemplating that journey.

When a Prophetic Wake Up Call Is Desperately Needed, Silence Is Not Golden!

Are there times when certain things really bother you, especially when they are spiritual and moral and ethical challenges? This can happen when people in positions of leadership and responsibility realise they have not been serving as they ought to serve. Jesus called a tax collector named Matthew and Matthew was a man who was collecting taxes for Rome – the Roman occupiers of the land of Israel. Imagine if Islam took over this country and someone Scottish was appointed to collect taxes for the Sharia Courts. That could separate you and cut you off from others. Matthew was in that situation. When Amos preached there was an uncomfortable presence. When Jesus Christ spoke to certain people there was also an uncomfortable presence. This was a call to ‘wake up’ and many discern that we need to hear a similar call today. Wake up. Do you really see what is happening in ‘the west’?

The Astrology of the Druids – Understanding the Celtic Zodiac

Despite what modern esoteric writers have said we know comparatively little about what the Druids actually believed, practiced or taught. What we know of the Celtic Zodiac could best be considered an invention of a 20th Century poet.

Universal Call to Mission

Every believer in Christ is called to a mission. The call of Jesus is always a double call. A call to ‘be’ with Him and a call to ‘go out’ and share the ‘Good News’.

The Choices We Make, in Every Area of Life, Are More Important Than We Think at the Time!

Yes, it is a big important decision on Thursday, but not as big, nor as important, as this one. We have freedom to choose, but we do not have the freedom to choose the consequences of our choices. The choices we make are far more important than we think at the time when we make these choices. How many have made bad choices when it came to marriage? Some have discovered that they are in a job they just cannot bear. That must be a horrendous predicament in which to find oneself. Make sure you seek to make wise choices. Ask Almighty God for help and direction. Ask the risen and living Jesus to guide you and lead you. He will.

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