The #1 REASON You’re Single & Can’t FIND LOVE

Is Anyone Seriously Listening to What Is Being Prophesied in These Alarming Yet Awesome Times?

Amos prophesied exile and exile happened, as the people of God were taken away to Babylon, modern Iraq, for seventy years. Amos saw all of this. The message of Amos was God’s message, and not simply that of an over enthusiastic prophet. God never punishes people without first sending a prophet. There were financial scandals and bribery and corruption, even in the courts. Those who use money to corrupt will be corrupted by it. There was sexual laxity and permissiveness, as alcohol consumption rose sharply. Religion was booming, with new age faiths imported from the people around. There was a focus on the creation rather than the Creator, like Mother Nature, and environmental issues today. Goddesses came in and Temple prostitution made religion popular, in the name of promoting fertility. Idolatry normally leads to immorality. Later, Jesus Christ came to deal with all this and so much more offering forgiveness and mercy and peace. But, was it accepted and received?

The Spiritual Guide That Many Claim to Have

When speaking with a lady a few days ago she informed me that she has a guide who leads her through life. When asked who that is she stated she believes it to be an auntie who died when she was young. This is similar to what many believe but there is only the one Spirit and it is in control and guides us all.

Move Your Soul Towards Enlightenment With Azurite

Azurite helps in psychic and intuitive development. It urges the soul toward enlightenment. It cleanses and stimulates the 3rd eye and attunes to spiritual direction. This crystal permits journeys out of the body to occur easily and safety. It increases consciousness to an increased level and provides better control over spiritual unfoldment. It helps to get into a meditative and channeling condition. Azurite is a robust healing stone, facilitating psychosomatic understanding of the effect of the mind and thoughts on the body.

How to Cope With Loneliness on a Spiritual Path

Everyone has phases in their life when they feel lonely, especially if they are different or unwilling or unable to conform and follow the herd. For example, for spiritually sensitive people, who see the world differently and often perceive what most other people don’t (e.g., the truth behind appearances), it’s harder to connect with people because socializing can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Gap Standers, Discouragement, Disillusionment and Despair

In the antiquity of Ezekiel 22:30 it seems you’re called to stand in the gap; to bring to a person, or a people, perhaps a family or a church, and certainly a situation, to a definitive hope. You’re an advocate. Prepared, as called of God, to do what only you’re positioned to do. You’re prepared, as called, to do what you feel led by God’s Spirit to do. And it’s going to cost you. And you know it. It’s just you don’t know how or when or, frustratingly, why.

Look Up and Within and Live Life Through Eternity’s Eyes

mortality. Reflecting on my own mortality has had the effect that I’m focusing on the mortality of those special others in my life – parents, children, siblings, etc. There’s something very sobering in thinking about death on a daily basis. And in this Jubilee year I will be thinking intentionally about death every moment I can. It’s like I want to be touched spiritually every moment of the rest of my life, having known something irrepressibly serious and deeply significant that is all too easily missed in this superficial life.

Resilience Is the Answer to the Question of Change

The answer to the question of Christian character is resilience of holy accord. Mix with the ability to endure, to persist, to persevere, the moral desire to become holy. Both attitudinal imperatives set us a sail for an intrepid voyage over the contemptible lifespan where tougher seasons make us better, and don’t rip us apart, sinew of shame from sinew of fatigue, even though shame and fatigue are inherently part of it.

Calcite: An Energy Amplifier

Calcite works as a cleanser and an energy amplifier. Simply having calcite in the area cleans negative energies from the surroundings and heightens your power. The spectral range of colors cleans the physical and the refined growth. It is an active crystal which accelerates the development and expansion. This profound stone sets up a connection with the higher awareness that encourages the opening of psychic capacities and higher awareness, channeling, and out of the body experiences. It accelerates the spiritual development and allows the soul to remember activities when it returns to the body.

Apophyllite: The Stone That Lends Protection From Fire

Psychologically, Apophyllite stimulates introspection into one’s own action and the correction of imbalances or imperfections that are perceived. It breaks down reserve and abandons pretense. This is a natural stone of truth, getting recognition of one’s true self and allowing that to be proven to the world.

Ghost Walking in Alabama

It was the spring of 1989 when I stared at the sky lying in between a footstone and headstone in Maple Hill Cemetery. I was there for a school field trip, and the tallest girl in the class just happened to be volunteered to demonstrate how short men were back in the 1800s. At that time, I was innocent enough not to think much of it, it was long before I had hit my teens and heard the legend of Dead Children’s Playground.

Youth Ministry Object Lesson – Flying Disc-Iples

These games are all played with a flying disc which also goes by the brand name ‘Frisbee.” Supposedly the name was derived from the Frisbie Pie Company whose round metal pie tins were used as toys by Yale University students. Over time the metal edges would become sharp so plastic versions were created in the 1940’s. Fred Headrick is credited with creating the modern day frisbee in 1967.

Mind, Body, and Spirit Taken Seriously at the Gym

When the Spirit told me to exercise and join a gym it was something never considered and it came out of the blue while I was otherwise engaged in writing articles. The phone book provided me with the name of one nearby and with a complimentary pass for 2 weeks it seemed to be what my body needed. It was not, however, what the Spirit intended as within a few days a stand in the local mall highlights a women’s only gym not far away.

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