When the Spirit Falls on Its People and Works Its Miracles
It’s something that happens when spiritual people are connected. Over many lifetimes we have suffered as those of religious beliefs tormented, terrorised, brutalised, tortured and killed us (Job 5:19-22). My last reincarnation brought me back as a woman to explain why and how these things have happened and why the Spirit is falling on some but not others and working miracles.
Want Your Destiny? Be a Constant Companion With Your CreatorDo you want to know your destiny and how to live it? Be a friend of God’s and be in constant communication with Him.
What Does It Mean to Truly Abide? God’s Plan for Our LifeGod desires our heart and our devotion because He sent Jesus to redeem us from every thing we’ve done wrong. When we accept this act of genuine love, we are motivated to live for Christ, abandoning our selfish desires to live and abide in Jesus Christ.
God’s Glory in Our Non-Christian PastTHIRTEEN years as a born-again Christian, born-again – born finally from above having been born into some resident belief, unbequeathed of action, some thirteen years previous. Thirteen years ago, having had my Saul-on-Damascus-Road conversion, the Father pulled the plug on that old life, blinding me from return, convicting me to walking blindly ahead by faith – which is the only true vision. Thirteen years, like Saul, I thought I knew God. I didn’t.
Visit by Two Gurus – The Now and LightRecently I was visited by my two friends after a long time. We know each other for 20 years, however it was only a matter of two years at the very beginning that bonded us together with cords that have kept us in touch & together through time and distance. When we met after 20 years none of us felt that 20 years have gone by and all the far away distances we had been too seemed unreal like it was a long movie. The lessons taught by life through friends is enriching
Finding Dory & the Present Moment TipsMy 5 year old was exited to watch the movie Finding Dory. The movie is wonderful and my son enjoyed it thoroughly. He was literally standing up for few of the scenes. You can read a lot more about the movie plot here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finding_Dory. At the end of the movie I asked my Son what was the take away message from the movie. He said “We can find your way back following the shells”. This perspective coming from a 5 year old was a moment to pause, cherish and enjoy it. For me finding the path back and the entire movie, In addition to being entertaining, had some wholesome guidance to swim through life too. One of the key lessons was the Power of being present in the moment opens up life’s infinite wisdom to work through us.
Jupiter and His Blessings in a Natal ChartJupiter is named after the Roman God, equivalent to the Greek Zeus. Astrologically, he is ruling expansion, bringing luck and prosperity. Indeed, his placements and influences can bring growth and success.
Flashback On Men Who Were Different For GodDo you know anybody who is different for God? The world may be full of wickedness, but there are many people who are different for Christ. They may not outnumber the wicked, but they are there and are increasing. This article recaptures men who despite all odds remained faithful to God and were different.
What Does It Mean to Be Different for Jesus?Are you different for Jesus? In what ways are you different? A life with Jesus is a life of separation unto God that grows into union with Christ. Every Christian is expected to be different for God. This article explains what it means to be different for Christ.
Get To Your Destiny Faster, What Can You Do?How is the fastest way to living the destiny that God has for you? The easiest way is to surrender everything to Him, the one who made you. Discover more in today’s article.
Dear Jesus, Now, About SubmissionDEAR JESUS, May I proffer a prayer? Of course, You’ll say, “Okay!”
How the Objective, Subconscious and Cosmic Mind WorkSpirituality is linked with the soul, the intangible part of ourselves, our inner selves and our relationship with God, the cosmic, or the source of our being. This is my own definition of spirituality, which my dear readers are free to agree or disagree with. Man is basically made up of the physical and non-physical.