Object Lesson – Spiritual Lifesavers
In 1912, Clarence Crane, a chocolate manufacturer in Cleveland Ohio, USA invented Lifesaver’s as a summer candy that could withstand heat better than chocolate. The candy’s name is derived from its similarity to the shape of the rings used for saving people who have fallen off of ships. But this candy, with the empty hole in the middle, can also be used as an illustration of the emptiness we experience inside without God as the center of a person’s life.
Spiritual People Easily Find GodWhen one has to go in search of God then they are not spiritual. For those who are connected from birth they don’t need indoctrination or instructions on how to link to the Spirit of the Universe. It comes to them and lights them inside with power.
Spiritual People Don’t KillWhile terrorists claim they kill in the name of their god, Allah, and that they will go to Paradise for killing others they are so far off the track as to be grossly misled to the point of death. Their misguided principles are the product of Islam and sun worship that is displayed in that city and around the world where its influence travelled. Protecting the religion that spawns them is like handing them the weapon that will murder us.
Spiritual People Don’t StealTaking something that belongs to another is not in the hearts or minds of the spiritual. They don’t have the same needs for physical wealth that others appear to have. Inside they have power and knowledge that is beyond normal understanding.
Blessed Are Those Who Don’t Bargain With GodDURING the hardest of life’s lessons we learn an even harder lesson: God may be Sovereign, but He won’t be bargained with. Common to the grief process, bargaining is a state of mind we enter into to escape from a reality that brings us to our knees. We enter into such thinking both consciously and unconsciously, and out of such motives are driven our actions. We can be willing to sell something precious for a song in the process. And God knows that’s no good for anyone, let alone ourselves. Of course, God won’t endorse such transactions.
Why the Owl?On pondering why this is so I started to think about the difference between the eagle and the owl. They are really so very similar except one comes out in the day and the other more often than not during the night.
Spiritual People Don’t SinSin is a religious term conjured up to prevent people from leaving and to force them to comply with church rules. It has nothing to do with reality because there is no scope for it among the spiritual people of God. My strong link to the Spirit and reincarnation gives another perspective on life that religious leaders overlook.
The Harvest Is Gathering, But Are You in It?We are in the last days and everything points to it including the prophecies in the Old Testament. One in particular stands out and that is that in the last days the Mountain of God will appear in the top of the mountains and all people will flow to it (Micah 4:1). It is here now and it is the Internet and everyone has access to it in one way or another.
Are You in the End-Time Harvest?While most would not argue against the great changes that are coming and some agree that it is the last days, there is a preparation time and warnings for whosoever thinks they should be in the harvest. God promised that before this time comes that it will go ahead and make the crooked things straight (Isaiah 40:4,5). It is also promised that all flesh will see it together when the mountains are brought low and the valleys raised high.
How Many Times Do You Ask for God’s Help?Just about everyone knows how to pray, but few know how to ask for God’s help. Prayers are manmade elements for those who have no direct feeling for the Spirit. They ramble on and speak the words, sometimes many times over and then get upset when nothing happens.
Ask The SpiritMost turn to their inner self when under stress or in a crisis. They cry out to God in ways they would never dream of under normal circumstances. They may even bargain with it by offering to do something in return for a solution to their problem.
Have You Felt God’s Power?There are many who claim they are spiritual and they go out of their way to serve God in whatever role they can fulfill. The question is, however, have they ever felt God’s power? Are thy serving God or themselves?