Tom Brady and Jim Gray Ask Sadhguru About Balance | Sadhguru #shorts #sadhguru

Have I Got God’s Calling On My Life?

CALLED. It’s what Christians call it when their life changes from dark to day – when God switches the light of purpose on in their heart – to serve Him and Him alone. ‘Called’ is what happens when God makes that impression on a Christian’s heart. When this happens, and only person by person can each know, God cannot be refused!

Lessons in Surrender – Becoming More Spiritual

It began with a feeling, then a sign, a nudge and then a book. A signal to change, to slow down, to breathe more deeply and to go within.

Ugliness Impacts on My Spirituality

The world is turning uglier by the day and the things people do to each other is part of it. Corruption, robbery, drugs, and so one, are only part of it. Trade in humans and animals is disgusting and the slaughter of God’s creatures for the exchange of money is pathetic.

Ascending to a God Glorifying Ministry Motive

Something that must irk God about Christians that write and preach and communicate (especially on social media) – and I include myself in this – is at times the motive for communicating, and the words written and said, does little to actually bring glory to Him. It might sound good, but the motive, one’s heart, can be a degree or two off. Too often we fall into the sin of wanting to be seen as inspiring, intellectual, knowledgeable, wise, just, godly, humble, compassionate, or inspired. We are men and women after all – sinners, prone to sinning – and we, as Christian leaders and leaders in His church, are no exception. It’s not our church; it’s His.

Christian Healing and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

For me, life as a Christian is not about having to fulfill an obligation, but it is one of light, happiness and joy. Healing is a part of my journey and I have a deep interest in the healing of others as we all share the same fragile humanity.

We Are Pieces in a Giant Puzzle

That’s no surprise or even a remarkable statement as we know that what we do has meaning while the overall picture is known only by God. What is remarkable about it, however, is that not many realise their part in it. Many don’t believe that there is a God let alone one that has the world in its hands.

Why Only Some Remember Past Lives

More people are now coming forward with claims of memories from past-lives and reincarnation. Others are speaking about their out-of-body moments when they supposedly died and then returned to their present life. These are relevant examples of reincarnation because of what my experience of it reveals.

The Fruitless Question of: Why?

Why ask why? How does this question serve us? What is the purpose behind asking this question? Looking at human logic and comparing it to our faith. Why? is truly a fruitless question.

How to Pray for the Persecuted Church (Thoughts on Psalm 10)

Christians around the world face persecution every day. What should we do when non-Christians attack us either verbally or physically?

How to Find Infinite Joy (Thoughts on Psalm 9)

In Psalm 9 David cries out to God for justice to prevail – for the guilty to be punished and the righteous to be vindicated. And for good reason: we know what a difficult life he lived, especially in his younger years when he was on the run for his life, the innocent victim of King Saul’s violent outbursts.

Object Lesson – Ping Pong Christians

This lesson uses ping pong balls to remind us that as Christians we can be easily tossed around, unstable, blown off course if we lack faith. But through prayer and belief we can be strong enough to face and stand strong in any difficulties and circumstances we might face as Christians.

Strength in the Normalcy of Weakness

DID you know? Jesus of the gospels is not a warrior in the traditional sense of the word. Especially in His final week, and poignantly in His final day, He was anything other than a force for reckoning. Even in His so-called triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus is no warrior exuding strength. Yet He was full of enigmatic fortitude.

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