Clearing the “Excess Baggage” of Unhappiness | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

The Radical Call of True Faith

We’re called to a radical faith. We know we’re approaching the cusp of this holy trust when we do things in faith that seem to make no sense to the worldly person in us and others, without actually sabotaging our own or anyone else’s life.

Ladies, Who Do You Turn to When Trying to Understand Your Purpose?

Often people are looking at the wrong sources and individuals because they think that if they own or connect with particular things or people, respectively, they will magically discover who they are and their purpose. However, there are some steps to discovering who you are and your purpose. For one, you need to have a relationship with God…

Avoiding The Trap

Learning how to avoid the trap of judgment. By applying 3 scriptures to the stances we take.

Dwelling in The Misery of Yesterday – Part 2 – Letting Go of the Guilt and Shame of the Past

This article is about examining guilt and shame and taking steps to overcome the things we have done in our past. We have the power to move beyond what we have done.

Nothing Can Harm the “I Am” That Is Our True Identity

A powerful realization arose within me this week: nothing can hurt my true identity as the spiritual being that I am. Indeed, nothing has ever hurt the “I am” that I am. When I act from the belief that I have been hurt or harmed in any way, I am identifying with ego – with the individual identity I have created in which I perceive myself as separate from you and from everyone else.

Object Lesson – Newspaper Madness – United in Christ

Our new idea of the week uses newspapers. There are lots of games that can be played using only newspapers, but a few have been selected to illustrate the idea of unity and working together. In most of these games the players are designated as penguins and the newspaper is an iceberg.

Trusting the Holy Spirit for Healing, Growth and Wholeness

The Holy Spirit wants to do a precious, holy, and lasting work in us. But He needs permission.

Faith for When Life Doesn’t Go To Plan

LIFE’S a long series of tests, and it’s only by faith that we can hope to prosper when the difficulties and struggles come. Many, many times we’re driven to despair, yet it’s only by faith that we continue to learn to rise again and step into the unknown future God has prepared for us.

Weaponry of Faith in the Battlefield of Life

Faith was made as a break-glass solution for times of ethereal war, even as we battle our inner selves, because we’re in that revelation of conflict. Faith meets anguish. When the battlefield reigns in our mind and owns the territory of our heart, faith journeys peacefully with and can reconcile that sorrowful, and sometimes unchanging truth.

Believing On the Faithfulness of God

NOTHING comes close to being desperate for God’s faithfulness than injustice. Nothing quite compares with our desperation in prayer than when we feel maligned. And faith becomes real when we are so desperate as to be beside ourselves with furious sorrow.

Proof Consciousness Is Eternal

Using historical ad current research and personal experience, Dr. Dave proves existence of psychic phenomenon, OBE’s, reincarnation and the influence the spirit dimension has on us. All proving that our consciousness is eternal.

Principles and Standards Are Crucially Important and Have to Be Carefully Guarded

How strong are your principles in these current times? Will your principles enable you to stand when the situation around you deteriorates? We need principles that will encourage us to resist various temptations in a day when it is fairly common to compromise and water down standards of morality and spirituality. Here is a lesson that I have learned and it has stood me in good stead over these many years. Surely there has to be some moderation? Can we not just serve, somewhere in the middle, with a foot in both camps? No. Jesus never taught that for some it would be all right to be partially committed, but going on to express the need for a few deeply committed men and women who really wanted to go all the way on this discipleship course. There is no double standard!

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