The Intoxicating Effects of The Moon | Sadhguru

Resurrection’s Power Makes Us Truly Unconquerable

UNDER certain circumstances in life, you, me, and everyone else who abide in a particular power will be unconquerable. And it won’t matter what comes against us, with just one caveat… we must first learn this great power… it cannot simply be known, as in read and understood.

The Spirit of the Universe and Reincarnation

It is everywhere and in and around all things, but completely hidden from view. It has no image, no building, no rituals, and certainly no religion. It appears in its creations and is as big as all of space yet it is unknown by the majority who seek God in statues and icons and pray to the air for their needs.

3 Divine Keys to Manifest Ultimate Success

There are divine keys to success that we can implement to help us live a more successful life. We all deserve to live a more successful life regardless of our past or current circumstances. Once you become aware of how to live a more successful life it can propel your life forward in amazing ways.

The Peace Embodied Bitter Sweetness of Faith

WHAT can we know about the nature of Faith? Here are some of my attempts at tying down some meaning in such a nebulous concept.

Linked to the Spirit of the Universe

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God, it commissioned me to remove the wall of blindness and bring in the harvest at the end of the day. It allowed religions to put up their false gods and to create an atmosphere of an earth-bound divinity so that the truth would be hidden until now. Even those who have the ability to see into space and to know about the trillions of planets and stars still believe in heaven and hell.

The Daily Christian Perspective

SEASONS of life meander, and we travel this existence through the valleys, to the peaks and via the grand vistas, along the plains, and we experience some chasms too. This article relates to the latter-most phenomenon – where we’re hijacked by a circumstance, and it sends us into a boggy mire where we feel we have not hope. But there is always perspective. If this article is about the chasm, it’s also about perspective.

Leading a Life of Repentance

FOLLOWING, and not leading, should be the first word in the above title. And to follow Jesus Christ, that, is the only worthy activity under the sun. Everything begins from there – from leading a life of repentance by following Christ.

The Mindset on Faith Settles the Heart of Fear

MUCH experience of mental illness is a wandering and wavering mind tumbling over heartbreaking hurdles, listlessly, without purpose and with resignation, into an awaiting abyss. It bequests living suicide. A life not worth living. And only one thing is missing.

The Only Way to a New Life

THOSE who succeed in life are thespians of existence. They’ve long ago learned to distance themselves from the shallow fears that accompany loss. They’ve learned to transcend loss, because grief has taught them a vital and everlasting lesson.

Object Lesson – Marble Madness

Marbles have been around since ancient times. Whether made from glass, stone, or even clay, they have been used in games and as tokens. While not specifically mentioned in the Bible, our modern games of marbles most likely came from the ancient Romans. The oldest known marbles date back to about 3000 B.C. They can be found in many cultures around the world. Many of the games involve taking risks in order to win. In this idea of the week, we use glass marbles not only for games, but also as an object lesson on how we can see differently as Christians and to learn to take risks for God.

Expect Difficulty, Receive God’s Resurrection Blessing

God gave me a very helpful acronym, ED = Expect Difficulty. Ever since, I’ve experienced a resurrection blessing.

Tell the World Your Reincarnation Story

Many have memory of their reincarnation or some inkling of it. There is a trend in these the last days for some to tell their stories but, unfortunately, not all are true. Fanciful notions do not stack up whereas those of simple folk do.

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