An Unstable World in Its Final Days

Most people need little convincing that we are in the final days of life upon earth. So what happens now? That question is answered by an understanding of what life is about and why it is happening in our lifetime.

Man’s Ignorance and the Power of God

What man has conceived is nothing in God’s eyes, but everything in his own. He has dreamed and set up a place for himself high above the earth in a place called heaven or paradise. To get there many are prepared to die.

The In-Gathering and Harvest of the Spiritual Children at the End of the Day

It’s time for the harvest as we have arrived at the end of the day of the lord. In vision after vision scenes of fields with white flowers played out before my eyes as they showed that we have lived to produce it. The complexity of what is happening is so deep that it takes the entire Internet to explain it.

The Posture of Respect

Discovering your spiritual side will take you to places you never dreamed of. This article is a call to action to remember to respect yourself and others and you learn and remember who you came here to be.

He Is Risen AND He Is WITH Us Until the END of the Age

He had walked the road to Emmaus with them, and unbeknownst to them, He was their Saviour. As they walked with Him, He opened up the Scriptures from within His own heart, and, as He read to them from His memory about Himself, their hearts were aflame – but the eyes of the risen Jesus’ travelling companions only opened when He had vanished, having broken bread with them that third evening in that Village. The risen Saviour was unrecognisable. Nobody knew who He was until He chose to be revealed to them. That was His purpose.

The Spirit Controls All Things in Space and on Earth

The size of the universe and the extent of the milky-way, our closest galaxy, is estimated at some astronomical figures. The distance between earth and Mars, our nearest neighbour, is at least 260 million miles or 401 million kilometres. These are huge distances and that is only 2 planets and there are 8, possibly 9, in our solar system.

Children of the Spirit at the End of the Day

One might ask why spiritual people are called children and one can answer that by thinking of what they need to develop their brains and usefulness. Toys that are purposely built and structured in such a way that they resemble things of life are used to bring out the best in young people. While the make-believe challenges of games and stories strengthen their minds the ideas that run through them lead to bigger and better things as adults.

The Spirit of God Is Everywhere Controlling All Things

Under the heading of ‘best kept secrets’ the real God is the Great Spirit of the Universe and everyone who has lived is reincarnated. The Spirit is everywhere and in all things while it controls all. Man’s gods, however, are earth bound and like the toys children play with they were designed to bring people to the knowledge of their own spirituality.

Why Is Everyone Back Who Has Lived Before?

The Spirit promised that at the end of days everyone will be back in their bodies and will hear the purpose of life and how and why they are judged according to their deeds. That day has come and the massive population that is soaring in number is evidence of it. My reincarnation and link to the Great Spirit of the Universe is evidence that heaven and hell are myths and that we do return after death.

Why Good Friday Makes the Gospel Too Good To Refuse

That secret thing we did yesterday, and that dirty thing we’re about to do tomorrow; these things that God knows about; these things we’re already forgiven for. Those things we’re still ashamed of, and the things we feel guilty for, every one of them, we won’t be punished for, other than the natural consequences of our actions in this world. If we accept Jesus into our heart.

The Value Of 3×3 Is Greater Than 2×3 Any Time Anywhere

How much have you given to God and for His kingdom and how much are you expecting back? As long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest will never cease. However, seed-time must precede harvest, and what you get in return is determined by how much you have put in. This article emphasizes on the importance of good seed quality and quantity.

Fear Toward God Not by the Precepts of Men

Do you know God and really fear Him? People often say that they fear God and do otherwise, sing how much they fear God and yet their hearts are far from God. What can be the cause of this attitude of theirs? This article states that fear towards God are not to be by the precepts of men.

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