Making Peace With Your Past Spiritually
In order to be a more positive person in your future, you must make peace with your past. You must recall those things that were hard and hurtful, to grow into the person you are to become.
Why Do We Make Ourselves Small?This is a question that I frequently ponder because it is certainly my tendency to default to making myself small instead of allowing myself to shine. I’m not talking about going on an ego trip and demanding the attention and admiration of others. I’m talking about my recurring insistence on making myself less than I am, my habit of shrinking in the face of appreciation and opportunity. Do you minimize or try to deflect any recognition of your brilliance from others? Do you yearn for opportunities to stretch yourself and then retreat when they present themselves?
How The Spirit Supplies the Right AnswersIn the pit of the stomach we have a box that generates anxiety or happiness. When something bad suddenly happens it’s like we get kicked by a mule right in that box. Understanding it and what it means in our lives is part of learning to live in a spiritual manner.
Maundy Thursday, the Celebration of FriendshipGod’s Presence was richly felt when a collection of spiritually close friends met at our home recently for an evening meal. Much humour was shared before the meal, much hospitality was enjoyed during the meal, and much humility was shared after the meal.
God Is AstonishingI want to share with you one of my personal experiences that illustrate how God has listened to me whenever I have called on him. He has helped me in situations where I had no hope at all. I can vividly recall an incident from my student days when I was studying veterinary medicine.
The Gift of Unbending BeliefWHAT is faith other than unbending belief – never more so when there’s plenty of reason to doubt? We do not get what we desire in this life because of two reasons.
How the Spirit Has Sifted Through the Earth for Its PeopleThe plan of God was to release the children of Israel into the hands of the two beasts of Revelation in order to test them. Everything that happens is part of that plan and the Spirit, the real God, is in control of all things. It seeded a group at the start of the day of the lord and they were given orders on how to keep their connection to the Spirit.
We Go Forward and Come Back After DeathMy reincarnation and memory of my last death is an experience to share as many face their end due to cancer or some other terminal disease or just old age. We all die and everyone goes through the same experience. For some it is made easy and they just drop dead.
Those of a Fearful Heart Be StrongThere really is nothing to fear because the Spirit is in control and everything you feel is wrong will be put right. That is the promise in prophecies for the last days. But what does it really mean?
Why Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance Are the Keys to Optimal LivingHave you ever wondered why some people seem happy and content in their own skin? In contrast, do you know people who are miserable and pessimistic? How about you? What is your predominant outlook towards life? Do you like yourself? Feel worthy? Struggle with confidence? These are questions we seldom contemplate until life overwhelms us. Yet, if we don’t make time for self-enquiry, we will be overcome with emotional grief when we least expect it. I wish to explore self-acceptance and self-compassion, two important factors for optimal living.
Buddhism, The EssenceThis article offers some insight into the basic principles of Buddhism. In everyday language, it explains how and why these principles can help you lead a happier life.
You Are a Co-Creator With God By His WordDo you know that you can create that thing you desire? Do you know that God is waiting for you to do something about that situation that you have been crying out to Him for? God has finished His work and He expects you to actualize the finished work yourself by His words. This article emphasizes your ability to co-create with God by His word.