A Prayer for the Healing Powers of Repentance

Here is a prayer for Your worship, for my humility, to express my penitent joys, and to meet the desires of your Being. You’re the grace of infinite pardons, but You don’t leave me where I’m at.

Letting Go of Panic By Taking Hold of Mindful Peace

READING an email several years ago, and suddenly panic gripped me like a vice. The same thing has happened when the realisation takes hold of an important interaction I’ve had no time to prepare for.

The God of Angel Armies

Some descriptions do not properly fit the term to which they have been placed. Angels are often ascribed to be departed human spirits, and always kind. Angels are not human, and they are purposeful.

Religious Worship and Belief in The Ridiculous

Those who are linked to the Spirit should think again if they are connected to religious beliefs. The two do not go together as the one must kill off the other. Withdrawing from the false gods and fake prophets that declare untrue things and seeking a link to the real God restores the connection that may have been lost.

Let the Lord Carry You

GRACE has brought us to a place of faith and now the task is to submit to our Lord’s carrying of us. He will carry us if we let Him. If we go in our own power, however, He will not be allowed by us to carry us.

What Is Soul?

The soul could also be said to be the guiding factor in a human being and has a very difficult role to perform. It has to distract the mind from its ever mobile track of doing evil things, which is not easy. So, the soul is actually the God’s invisible gift to the mankind to differentiate between good and bad so long as one is alive. The moment one dies the soul leaves the human body.

Man Is a Turnkey Project of God

Man is a turnkey project of God, born with brand new machinery and the child’s maiden cry sets the machinery in motion. This is tantamount to turning the key on and letting the heart and lungs to start functioning simultaneously while these organs remain non-functional until birth.

My Idea of the God Head

So the God Head is ONE and the remaining gods and goddesses are manifestations of his various forms of energies. This God Head according to me is “Krsna”, others may call him Lord Vishnu, Lord Shankar or goddess Durga or by any other name whatsoever.

7 Reasons Astrology Doesn’t Help People Even Though It Could and Should

Have you ever wondered why astrology so often fails to bring results? These are the main reasons why people miss out on the opportunity for bringing about radical improvements in their lives.

Science and Religion

Many persons consider religion and science as opposites. These are not opposites but complement each other. Actually, humans are face to face with not two, but three realities: The “material” realities belonging universe, the “intellectual” realities produced by reasoning and the “conveyed” realities belonging the metaphysical world, which transferred by prophets. Allah (swt) created the material and spiritual realms. He established their rules. Therefore, no conflict can exist between the knowledge of these two realms. All of the material realities, intellectual realities and conveyed realities are a whole.

Wake Up on the Right Side of the Bed

How important is it to start your day with a positive attitude? What may help you to put your best foot forward each day? I have a few suggestions… from my own experience of course!

Object Lesson – The Key to Heaven

A key is almost a universal symbol around the world. Keys promise access, freedom, transport, protection, and safety. A key is used to represent access to something of value just as a physical key opens up a door or something that was previously inaccessible. The key is also used in the Bible, both literally and symbolically.

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