Over Population Of The Earth And The Reincarnation Of All Who Have Lived
Those who have a link to the Spirit feel it inside and hear it speak to them. Those who oppose the Spirit have various diseases and suffer loss and hardship accordingly.
The God That Most Cannot UnderstandThe mention of God brings instant images of a man seated on a throne above the clouds, This misconception of the Spirit of the Universe is from primitive ancestral beings who were unaware of spirituality and reincarnation. God planned it this way to perfect the spiritual children of Israel.
The Eye Of Light Is The Pathway To The TruthThe spiritual of God are receiving the gifts of the Spirit and being called out of religious organisations. The others are stuck behind a wall of deceit that is also being pulled down as we are in the last days.
Prophecies State That God Is The Devil And All Evil Is From The DivineThe spiritual children of God know within their minds and bodies what is right or wrong. It is the Spirit that leads and guides them and that is now tearing down the wall that hides the truth.
The Spirit Is Destroying The Impenetrable Wall Of Religious DeceitThose of the Spirit have an awareness that things are not right in religious doctrine but they don’t know how to escape it. The time has come when the answers are given and they can walk free.
Earth Sage – Slightly WiccanEarth Sages have inhabited the earth for centuries. They are mothers. They are daughters. They are sisters. They are grandmothers. They are caretakers. They are healers. There is no fooling them. They can see right through you. They love, they nurture. They are one with Gaia.
Your GiftMany of us DON’T even OPEN THIS GIFT. Some of us manage to open it but they DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. Few of us open the gift-pack, learn how to use it and make maximum use of it. They find the meaning of life. They find the purpose of their life. They overcome all their obstacles. They become INVENTORS, EXPLORERS, CREATORS, and PIONEERS.
What Divides East From WestIt is the concept which divides east from the west. They differ in their concept regarding the image of God, cause behind the miseries and the kind of existence and so on. There are mainly two kinds of religious concepts in the world. One is the Yahudi concept which includes Islam, Christianity and Hasid etc. which was prevalent in the west. The other is the Hindu concept which includes Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddh religions which is prevalent in the east. The remaining religious trends or traditions are branches of these two.
God Is OneThe Godhead is said to be only ONE while gods and goddesses are said to be more than 33 crore. It means that the Godhead is something far above and beyond the existence of gods and goddesses.
God Is OneThe Godhead is said to be only ONE while gods and goddesses are said to be more than 33 crore. It means that the Godhead is something far above and beyond the existence of gods and goddesses.
Mind Power Training: How to Discover Your Divine PurposeWhen we feel misaligned, without passion or rhythm, we’re not being guided by our spirit. Many people are influenced by the needs of others, the paycheck that supports them and the demands that dominate them. On this path we eventually live like slaves to a man-made system. We chase the goals of others instead of pursuing our own dreams. We deaden our despair with the next purchase, pill or ill-gotten gains. We do what we think we should instead of living beyond what logic alone can dictate.
Good And BetterIt is sometimes difficult to do something good instead of something bad. It is too easy to settle for doing something good instead of something better. This piece will challenge you to think about some betters to which we might aspire.