EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Manifesting Success IS WRONG!

Sri Maharaj – 40 Years of Experiencing the Ultimate “Non-Duel” Spiritual Perspective

The Ultimate goal of All “Inspired” ones… The True Awakened, Self-Realized, Awakened ones… Is a path of ‘Unity Consciousness – and Realization of the ‘Non-Duel’ perspective. This experience appears to us ‘less Enlightened’ ones’… To be ‘Ineffable’ – Indescribable. There is simply nothing in our perspectives or vocabulary that can remotely close to portraying this ‘State of Enlightenment’… But, Sri Maharaj does about the best job one can of presenting his real life “Enlightened” experiences. He portrays the depth of expressing the feelings of over 40 years of Fully Awakened, Self-Realized, ‘Non-Duel’ Enlightenment. His perspectives speak eloquently of Unconditional Love, spoken in simple matter of fact ‘Appropriateness’.

Meditation – The Simple Essentials With a Life Time of Fulfillment

Learn these essential basics of meditation and you will enjoy a lifetime of calming focused mindful presents. You will learn the important details of how to start a meditation practice, and also direction to aspire to.

Living In the Christ Contagion

The new year is pregnant with the end of things, and hope for fresh new things. We have no idea what may or may not come to pass through the acceding 365 days. Even those who have nothing to do with New Year’s resolutions possibly find themselves reflective. New Year causes us to wonder about the end of things and the beginning of things in general. Maybe as Christians New Years are like dry runs for the end of life itself – and the commencement of that new life in heaven’s reality of things.

How to Be a Wizard

A wizard allows synchronicity to manifest. Synchronicities – their source is not of this world. Yet we can encourage their appearance; we can open ourselves to them.

Parents Can Learn To Heal Their Own Children

Parents have an inherent ability to draw on the healing power of God with practice, faith, and belief. The reason being that parents have a lot more to lose when doctors can’t do anymore for their children. You will be given a perfect example of a healing based on a true story.

Seven Spiritually Mindful Practices to Bring Your Awareness to Deeper and More Meaningful Levels

It is an ‘Enlightening’ feeling to come to the realization that with all the religious and ‘new age’ Spiritual mis-information… There is a large body of Spirituality that is in common with all Spiritual Traditions… Whether they know it or not. Deepen your Wisdoms and learn how to “Walk the Walk” with these Profound Spiritual Insights!

Spirit Guides of the Light Don’t Do These 8 Things

What’s the difference between spirit guides of the Light, and other unseen entities? How do you know if your spirit guide is of the Light, or instead a troublemaker or even a dark entity? We’ve had many experiences with both benevolent and malevolent spirits and want you to understand the difference so you can avoid trouble.

New Year’s Resolutions With a Twist

I would like to propose a new kind of resolution as we begin the new year – resolutions that have none of the guilt that most of our pledges arise from after the weeks of excess during the holiday season. We feel guilty about all the rich food that we have eaten, our lack of exercise and physical activity, all the liquid Christmas cheer that we have imbibed, and all the money that we have spent. Our guilt inspires impassioned vows to exercise regularly, to eat a healthy diet, to detox our bodies, to live within a budget, to pay off our credit cards… to make any number of surface changes that we hope will make us feel better about ourselves.

We Embody What We Believe

The feelings you have every moment in your day affects everything. Every time you are grateful in your life, or feel particularly happy, or focus on something wondrous that you love, you sabotage yourself.

Spiritually ‘Inclined’ and Inspired to Deepen an Awareness Within?

The first step towards Deeper Spirituality, begins with Learning Deeply about Yourself. This is what ancient Zen Masters, Buddha, Advaita Vedanta, Dzogchen, Tao and Many Spiritual Traditions have ‘pointed out’ over 2500 years ago. Currently, Our leading psychologists ‘point out’ that The fundamental core ‘trait’ of “psychologically healthy” individuals Is the understanding one’s self. Allow my Insights to Inspire a Life of Calm Deeper Understanding, through Unconditional Love and Acceptance. Transform your life from automatic – reactionary and emotionally driven behaviors… To the Mindfully balanced perspectives of Living an Equanimeous Lifestyle.

How Do I Live Intentionally For Eternity?

FINITENESS. These are the facts of our days. And the facts of our days are irrepressibly true. How are we to, as the psalmist says, number our days, that we might nurture a heart of wisdom?

Angels Have Messages For You

Angels are with you every moment of everyday and they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them… maybe even more. Believe it or not, for a long time I held back the whole truth of my purpose in this lifetime. Yes, I am here to help others connect with Angels and live their Life Purpose with prosperity and abundance.

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