The Gift Within the Experience of Emotional Pain During the Holidays
How many of us experience the pain of loss, loneliness, and sadness as the festive season builds all around us? We are flooded with pictures that portray the excitement and anticipation of the perfect Christmas, the perfect family get-togethers, and the perfect holiday season. Each picture projects images of loving families, perfect gifts, and an abundance of happiness and togetherness. And each picture feels like one more stab in the heart of people who are grieving, recovering from traumas that kicked their feet out from under them, or experiencing a seemingly less-than-picture-perfect physical reality.
Signs of the Saved – Story of the Second ChanceOn August 2, 2005, Air France Flight 358 left Paris with 297 passengers and 12 crew on board and was confronted by a raging thunderstorm as it prepared to land at Toronto International Airport, Canada. The plane lost control, slewed off the runway, and came to rest in a small ravine 300 metres away. As it crashed, the left engine caught fire and passengers and crew had only seconds to escape. Amazingly, nobody died. One of the survivors spoke for many when he said, “We felt as if we should have died that afternoon; we felt we’d been saved to live a life of a second chance; we felt we were now to live lives that would give our lives away in compassion.”
Alignment – Guilt and Shame Are Stories of the PastIt never ceases to amaze me just how much guilt and shame float in and around us in any given moment. No matter how long you’ve been on your path of inner-reflection, healing and letting go of anything and anyone who no longer resonates vibrationally, there seems to be that occasional thought about “what will they say about me and my dreams and goals?”
Nehemiah CommentaryNemiah is a fascinating book about an incredibly devoted man and about a nation finally on the upswing. Leading up to Nehemiah, the Israelites have been through one disaster after another, more or less being scattered across the lands. Nehemiah’s heart was broken for his people and their fall from God’s favor. Nehemiah didn’t settle in despair though. Rather, his sadness fueled a beautiful vision of a united Israel and a rebuilt Jerusalem. Nehemiah devotes himself wholly to God, and through his strength, he unites and rebuilds a nation. Nehemiah is such an awesome example of what can be accomplished through faith, and how rock steady God is as our support. Nehemiah faced every obstacle possible, but he never gave up hope or faith in God. After reading Nehemiah, I hope that you can walk away with a better understanding of how steadfast God’s support and love for us is. If we can be like Nehemiah, stay close to God through every obstacle, then we can truly see nations transformed!
The Bible States We Reincarnate Seven TimesThe spiritual people of God are outnumbered many to one as the world comes to its last days. The plan is outlined in the Old Testament prophecies but the religious elders altered the nature of God to suit their purposes and few now understand them.
Facing My Shadow and Casting It For the Glory of God’s KingdomTRANSPARENCY is an important concept in the Kingdom, for without transparency we don’t have trust, and if there’s no trust there’s no relationship, and if there’s no relationship there’s no community, and nothing can be changed for the Kingdom of God without community. So, if we’re to be ‘community’ we must first have established transparency within ourselves, that is also ‘projected’ out into our world, in order to build trust and relationship.
5 Spiritual Opportunities This ChristmasIt’s God’s will that we use this time of the year to ponder life and God, our hopes and faith. Here are a quick five opportunities to be blessed spiritually this Christmas (and in the lead up).
The Evolution of Consciousness: Creatures, Biology, Language & SelfWith the advent of human beings, the awakening of consciousness took a huge leap forward. Consciousness began becoming aware of itself. But at present this leap is only partially complete.
The Enlightenment Enigma – How to Find NirvanaThe ultimate goal of many spiritual seekers is to find enlightenment, which is another way to say awakening to spiritual awareness or illumination. A tall order, but with discipline it’s possible to make serious progress on your spiritual path.
The Devil’s After Your Mind, But God Makes Sight for the BlindThere’s nothing like real experience, and a pattern to that end, in the mix of God’s light of revelation, to seal the deal. That deal is delivery from deception when at last we’re given the eye to discern. Discernment is everything.
Deflecting Our TruthHow often do we ignore our inner guidance because we believe that we know better? When do we create chaos in our lives to avoid what we intuitively know that we are being guided to do? How often do we deflect what we know to be truth that is guiding us from within and waiting for us to listen? Why can’t we trust that our inner guidance is for our highest good?
Making the Connection to Your Higher SelfOur first breath of life is typically accompanied by a resounding slap that forces us to awaken to a new consciousness. That is the part we see. What we don’t see is the breath of life that has been extended through the grace of our Creator. Severed from the umbilical cord that was the single stream of direct connection, we began our existence in the energy of 3D. This has continued for more than 36,000 years on planet Earth, the same process, and the same energy.