Spiritual Awakening – (These 2 Things Will Get You UN-Stuck) – promise :)

Blessed Honesty In the Darkness of Our Shadow

One of the mysteries I’ve found perplexing in the Christian faith is the tussle for my identity in Christ – because I’m so far from his righteousness and the completeness of virtue. Then, I found to my amazement, that God has used secular theorists to bring light to a dark subject; we all have a shadow. We all have a shadow.

The Crucifixion – Hail, King of the Jews – Mark 15:18

The Roman soldiers placed a sign at the top of the Cross, which read: INRI: “Hail, King of the Jews”. But, what do these words mean? Here, the importance of having some non literal understanding, is pivotal in gaining the spiritual import nestled within these amazing words.

The Language of Your Soul

As you progress through the process of change and work within your change framework you need to be true to yourself; to act in accordance with who you are and what you believe. This can be confusing when you are intentionally making change in yourself, driven from within. Try not to confuse making change in yourself or life with being true to yourself. Actually, one way to look at it is that your drive or inspiration for change may be being fueled by you not being true to yourself. Change is a constant. Be true to yourself and begin to understand the language of your soul.

The Re-Mind

We usually associate being reminded with remembering – to consciously remember a time, a place, a person or an event. Sometimes remembering is with fondness, a mix of bitter-sweet or even sadness. But a “re-mind” is something coming back to you that re-enters your mind, body and soul and is there to help you, and they often come to you in unexpected ways and unexpected times. Remind essentially means to cause you to remember; cause you to think of someone or something.

Grounding Yourself

Grounding has been used for centuries as a method to become centered and one with your energies. It allows you to tap into the energies that surround you everyday. A grounded person makes better decisions and can be more in tune with those around them.

Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Religion

Science and religion often seem poles apart – and in many ways they are. But I believe the two can, and will eventually be, united; and their meeting point will be human consciousness.

Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Religion

Science and religion often seem poles apart – and in many ways they are. But I believe the two can, and will eventually be, united; and their meeting point will be human consciousness.

Living In His Fulness

The moment you shift your attention to worldly matters, you move out of the spirit realm of God and the facts of your life hit you. This is when most believers falter and fail.

Listen to God’s Spirit – And Your Spirit!

It is generally accepted man is made up of three parts–spirit, soul, and body. The spirit is that part that gives him life. The soul…

Any Difficulty + Buoyant Spirituality = Sure Triumph

LEARNING is the secret to the spirituality of life. There’s no spirituality apart from learning, and learning gets us through the struggles of our lives.

Bless This Home – A Prayer Service for Blessing a Home

The blessing of a home is the perfect way to warm it to the Presence and light of God. Here, in this article, are prayers and readings for the blessing of a HOME.

7 Ways a Christian’s Mindfulness Helps Their Prayer Life

MINDFULNESS is really just a different name for prayer, from my viewpoint. But mindfulness as prayer focuses on God, and the things of God, to the exclusion of all other things.

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