Why Relationships Are More Challenging for the Spiritually Sensitive
Most relationships aren’t easy, and relationships are even harder for the spiritually sensitive because they not only need to connect with a partner mentally, emotionally, and physically, but also spiritually. For them, the unseen, spiritual connection is obvious, thus important.
Thomas a Kempis’ Reminder of the Inevitable ComingAUTHOR of The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471) was a contemplative and mystic who gave us unique glimpses into the human soul that contemplatives and mystics tend to do. This particular reflection of mine is one that is based on a reminder of the inevitable coming – not simply Christ – but of death; a death we all die once. How inevitably awkward that we might avail ourselves to the opportunity to plan forward for that event in time!
Purpose, Power, Presence – 3 Answers to Life We All WantAPATHY, fatigue and doubting are three common weaknesses in a life that can seem anything, but controllable and enjoyable. We all have these most inbuilt of needs that addresses the above three weaknesses of soul and spirit.
Joy in Simplicity, Realness in Pain, Blessed Centricity and Solemn GainLIFE is a constant journey filled with experience, some of occasional joy and some of unexpected pain. We’re wisest to consider life a blessing. For that is the truth. This article, like much of my writing, is for the person who is experiencing unexpected pain. The idea is we can experience joy at any point in life, not just when we’re joyous for a reason – when something truly good has happened or is happening in our lives. I want to share with you two strategies that work for our overall growth when we’re in periods of pain; such strategies can aid our lives at any time.
What Do You Think of Hands?Different hands have different attributes. This article contains a brief description of hands and their uses and affect upon others.
Sepher HaShmad HaTabelah HaAgulah – A Jewish Account of King ArthurA Jewish version of the Arthurian legends written in 1279 is sometimes forgotten. The process of transforming the Arthurian legends, with their very strong Christian overtones, into a Jewish story is masterfully accomplished by using original phraseology and subtle language shifts.
Angels – Angel of Truth and Clarity AmbrielA truth is that which is Universal, an expression of a state of being or concept that transcends the perceptions of Humankind… truth stands the test of time, language and the appearance of human reality.
Icebreakers – Thanksgiving Connections“Thanksgiving is an American Holiday when people come together, treasure the relationships with those close to them, and thank God for his blessings over the past year. While the New Year celebrates new opportunities and a chance to start over, Thanksgiving reminds us how far we have come and how God and others have helped us to get where we are. This Thanksgiving Activity encourages youth to remember things for which they are thankful and also reminds us that we are also connect to those around us and need to be thankful for them as well. Being Thankful isn’t just for Americans and Canadians. It’s something all of us should take time to do!”
William Booth and the Pathway to Purity of HeartCOVETING is never normally a good trait. But one exception is that we might covet purity of heart – to take it into the self as a possession for our being.
Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence of GodSWEETLY divine in the most human of ways – the writings of Brother Lawrence (1614-1691). Such do these writings occur as direct from the courts of God that a reader will readily be caught up in a firestorm of much delight for learning The Practice of the Presence of God.
Spiritual Path – How to Control Your Inner EnergyTruth be told — and that’s what it is truly all about — there’s little we can actually control. When we attempt to control… the intensity of transition which arrives in the form of resistance or eventual Dark Night of the Soul… the less we are actually in control of anything.
Convergence of Science and SpiritualityI explain how spirituality and science are different. Still both of them can converge and yet retain their essence.