Dissolving the Ego | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

When God Speaks It’s a Most Powerful Prayer

ABSOLUTELY dependent are Christians on prayer – that mode of communication between them and their God. But prayer isn’t just something that a Christian does in praying aloud to their God. Prayer is something that God speaks through his Spirit to the Christian. Or, at least that’s the most powerful prayer there is. And when God speaks he speaks consistent with his character.

Stamping Out Fretting Complaint

SO THEN, my dear friends, just as you always listen intently, whether you felt anyone was watching or not, continue to work hard in doing God’s will as if God were actually present, knowing he is coming, because you know he is at work in you passively by his will, as you ponder it, and actively by the work he’s doing in and through you. Do everything without murmuring grumbling, which leads to self-deception, so everyone will find you without fault; a blessed child of God above reproach in every way. Don’t be caught fretting, especially when people scheme and appear to succeed, for fretting leads to complaining, and complaining leads to anger, and anger leads to evil. This can never be what God wants from or for you. God will vindicate the injustices done against you. If you respond as you can and should, God will make you shine like the dawn, and you will blaze like the midday sun. Trust God and all will be well. Do all these things that I commend to you this day, and you will shine like the biggest star in the universe for all of heaven to see.

Angels – Angel of Power and Glory, Sandalphon

Power is often misused, abused and even misunderstood. No one willingly chooses to be powerless and yet many of us feel that we don’t have the power to truly change our reality without struggle and sacrifice. Each one of us has within us, the key to unlocking Divine Power, co-creating a reality so powerfully amazing our conscious mind cannot completely comprehend this truth.

Waiting Is

We want the waiting to be over with, so that we can get on with whatever is the next task at hand. Yet in treating waiting this way, we deny ourselves a most valuable opportunity.

Wisdom Is How We Use Our Knowledge

Wisdom’s essence is discernment. Discernment of right from wrong. Helpful from harmful. Truth from delusion. At present, humanity has vast amounts of knowledge, but still very little wisdom.

There’s No Such Thing As Ego

When I observe my own mind, I notice there is an ever-present sense of “I-ness”. This has been there all my life, and has not changed. My thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, attitude, character, personality, roles, desires, needs, and beliefs may have changed considerably over the years, but the sense of “I” has not.

Unexceptional Presence

No matter how deep a hole you seem to be in, He is always right there with you. Not sure why you suffer through it? This may help…

Angels – Angel of Mercy Ra’amiel

My understanding of mercy is that it encompasses kindness, compassion, understanding another’s point of view, love and empathy… all of which are a part of the whole. To show mercy to others, we must first give ourselves permission to see past our perceived shortcomings in character and belief in our being worthy of manifesting our dream of living our purpose.

We Can Count Our Many Blessings, But We Cannot Buy Them – Jesus Christ Gives Them Freely!

Are you thirsty? Are you under some financial or economic pressure? Then listen to God. Our gracious God is an expert in dealing with all kinds of problems but very few want His answers and His solutions. Come, all you who are thirsty. Come to the waters, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy, without money, and without cost. If you possessed all the money in the world, and owned all the gold in the world, you still could not buy what God wants to give you. No man can buy what Jesus offers. If a man struggles over this he can sink in the very waters, which are given to save, bless, and satisfy. Don’t sink, just drink, what Jesus Christ offers, and be satisfied. It is not often we find satisfaction guaranteed, but God desires to satisfy those who come to Him. He never disappoints. Check it out. You will not find a better offer anywhere.

When Who Am I Meets Who Are You

MEETING someone else, heart connecting with heart, is a reality when first we’ve met ourselves. And meeting ourselves is a reality when we’ve met God.

A Whole New Depth of Spirituality, Inspiration, Motivation and Satisfaction Awaits You!

How thirsty are you for Almighty God? I meet many people who would like to have a deeper spiritual walk and a deeper spiritual experience, but they are not all that thirsty for Almighty God and they may not be all that eager and keen to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Come and drink of the Spirit of the living God. Come and draw to Jesus Christ, the risen and living Son of God and allow Him to do that sovereign and unique work which no one else can do. Look at the Cross and have your sins forgiven and learn that significance of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Are you still thirsty? Have I pointed you in the right direction?

Peace On The Earth

How many of you know there is no peace on earth right now? Yet in Luke 2:13-14 we see an angel of the Lord appearing to some shepherds and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Then we see in Luke 12, Jesus saying, “Do you suppose I came to bring peace on earth?

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