Spirituality Vs Religion – A Pragmatic, But Humorous View
This article deals with my take on Spirituality Vs. Religion, from a “Cultural Jew.” I define Spirituality as what you choose to believe, accept and practice in your everyday life. Religion is a set of rules and regulations. See what worked for me!
Hear, Hear, What to Do When the Enemy (Through Shame) Draws NearWhere we experience shame for what we’ve done or not done the voice of the enemy will be loud and clear – accusing us of shame we’ve brought on ourselves. God’s will, on the other hand, is to work with what’s shameful and make it an instrument for his glory – a redemptive mindset.
Jan Van Ruysbroeck’s Heavenly Weal and Hellish WoeFLEMISH mystic, Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), makes the point that there are highs and lows in the disciple’s experience; that deeper woes follow seasons of delighted weal, as weal comes to be transformed as gratitude outbound of woe. (Weal means prosperity or happiness.) “In this woe, weal sometimes shows itself and brings with it a hope which none can gainsay.”
Inside, Outside, Beside, AbideEver wonder just how it is that God can be everywhere, all the time… even inside you, too? When I get my hair cut, I feel better. When I eat something delectable, I have a satisfied feeling of nourishment. When I get a good night’s sleep, I feel rejuvenated. There are many, many other signs of life, indicators that I am alive, alert, and connected with my senses. These are all separate components of my life, yet impacting me in their own way… and me, differently than you.
The Ten Commandments – EsotericallyThe Commandments represent the Word of God, they have been in existence since the beginning of time and not just a recent — historically-speaking — publication. “Understanding” sourced divinely informs that the Ten Commandments are referring to Self realization through a single inward endeavour of becoming Zero in meditation.
Beyond Lives and DeathsWe all have encountered at least once the demise of near and dear ones. This article focuses on ways to control our reactions after hearing this sad news.
God Lurks Secretly In the Dark PlaceRIDICULOUS it seems, but so powerfully true this is: God lurks not in the light, for he is light. God lurks secretly in the dark place where he’s likeliest found. Darkness is a definite sign that God be there with you – even as you appear alone and afraid in that darkness. The very fact that you can bear what is untenable to your soul is testament to God’s secret, silent, sanctifying Presence, there, right there.
Why Growth Is God’s Compensation for Humbling SeasonsLIFE is the learning ground. As I like to say. Well, the fact that we don’t always enjoy such a humbling if not humiliating ride, as life is, ought to be compensated.
When Life’s Down, Stand Up, Walk, and FightPAIN is something that seems evil, and would be if not for God. But pain comes attributed as either a ploy of Satan to befuddle us, or as a tool fashioned by circumstances moulded by God.
Always Choose LoveIn the face of hatred and violence, our egos scream for retribution. Our egos would have us believe that we are all separate individuals and that we have to protect what is ours, whether that be our loved ones, our property, or our safety. When we listen to our egos, we lash out at others because we are afraid. All acts of revenge begin as fear.
Persisting Against Spiritual Torment, Obeying Resolutely (PASTOR)THIS article is for the pastor. Actually, to be frank, it’s for me. If you’re in a position like me – i.e. God calls you a pastor – meaning you have a special shepherding ministry for others – you’ll possibly recognise what such a sacrificial occupation requires of you, implicit of the nature of the role. You exist for others. Pastoring is not a job, it’s a lifestyle.
Miguel De Molinos and God’s Divinity in the DarknessSPANISH mystic Miguel de Molinos (1628-1696) was a martyr, but not in a way we would traditionally assume; his death was a life of imprisonment with torture, and he did indeed die of his injuries. He is someone who might know something of pain and of darkness, and of God there and there abouts.