Me Afraid of Success? Nah, Yeah

If I say I believe in God, then why am I afraid of all I pray and ask Him to do? I had to ponder this stumbling block in my life.

Prayerful Experience of the Presence of God

God has so much more for every one of us. So much. Incomparable are the heavenly delights that may be experienced in the body in this world. But first we must purge ourselves of every darkness and doubt and deficiency of faith. We must become pure and as little children, again and again.

Communion: Digesting The Bread of Life

Most Christians are familiar with the bread and the wine components; but perhaps not all of us are sure of their purpose. For some it is an annual observance, for others a weekly sacrament and still for others, communion is a rite of passage for joining a denomination. Discover what is the intent of communion so that we may joyfully participate in its observance and digest the benefits.

All Saints Day – Does Anybody Care?

All Saints Day is overshadowed by Halloween. The meaning of this special day is lost due to the media coverage of the previous evening.

My Identity Crisis!

How can you know where you’re going, where you’re supposed to be… if you have no idea who you really are? I think we all want to matter to someone. I mean, who doesn’t want to be important to someone else? We all long to have someone pick us out of a crowd above the rest. We want to be special to someone, at least I did. As a child, I sought approval of my parents, my teachers, but I didn’t realize this until much later in my life. My parents loved me unconditionally. When my mother lost her life to breast cancer, I was 14 years-old. It was the summer of 1979. What was I going to do now? Although, I was pretty responsible for a 14 year-old, I had no idea what was in front of me, what life was going to be without my mother.

What Is Really Spirituality?

I will clarify the meaning and scope of spirituality which is a highly misunderstood concept. Spirituality derives from the word “spirit” which also means the soul and hence is about the soul. Practising it elevates one’s mind eventually to a point where it can become one with pure consciousness or God.

Certified Perfect Accountant

There are times that our busyness causes us to forget what is really important in life. We fail to see that there is more to life than the present fleeting moment.

Dictating Your Circumstances

When we find ourselves in a spot with unforeseen circumstances, it’s a time to stop and recreate our destinies. It’s good to know “How to” as a matter of choice but only through experience do we realize our true inbuilt potential. Step into the most common agonies and reflect on how we can steer them to our advantage.

Angels – Angel of Forgiveness Balthiel

Forgiveness is such an important and essential part of the manifestation process and here’s why… when there is any thought or emotion that lowers our inner-vibration, there is something to forgive. In its most simplistic from, forgiveness is releasing you from emotional prison. Any negative emotion causes lack and delay to attracting prosperity and abundance, clients and customers and being able to recognize and say “yes” to opportunities.

One Day, As the Spirit Whispered To Me

ONE DAY as I lay in bed on a cold and rainy winter’s day, alone, musing about how life had turned out, I wondered aloud, praying, as if God were real. But he didn’t feel real. I soon felt as though I was wasting my breath. I rolled over and wept myself to sleep, praying, even as I didn’t believe I was being heard, that I’d not wake up like this again. I needed to speak this out. I did so to my rattled exhaustion.

3 Mindfulness Techniques That Will Make You A Better Person

If you consider mindfulness to be a new age fad, or just another latest buzzword, then think again! Here are some mindfulness techniques that will make you a better person.

Jesus Asked: “Who Do You Say I Am?” Matthew 16:13-17

Is this THE most profound question in the entire Bible? When contemplated through an open, silence-infused mind this question brings about soul feed-back which is truly revelatory. Stirring the deeper consciousness, it addresses natural spiritual curiosity of who and what we really are at core level, and how we can integrate such in more meaningful and loving ways in our day-to-day life, thus progressing our soul into greater realms of spiritual awareness and experiencing.

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