Divine and Purposeful Intervention
God’s purpose is manifested in your life as a gift. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. A gift is a natural ability or talent.
Whose Is That Voice? God or the Devil?This is an article more about prayer than about voices inside our heads – for those concerned about feeling schizophrenic. These ‘voices’ we hear are really our thoughts as we’re listening along, trying to be guided how to live our lives. The trouble is we’re so easily confused as to where these thoughts come from (God or the enemy) and where they might take us.
God Said: “Take Up Thy Rod” – Raise Our Spiritual Awareness – Exodus 14:16Instinctively we’re each driven to “know” our higher soul nature. But, due to generational conditioning resulting in faulty understanding, spiritual ignorance prevails thus is direct soul “knowing” blocked. Read how we can reverse this dilemma.
12 Signs of Spiritual AwakeningThis is a time of Spiritual Awakening unlike any other. So many people are no longer satisfied with the status quo. What used to work, no longer does. There are far too many people world-wide who are consciously connecting with Spirit, Source and Angels for things to remain the same.
Meditating in the Living, Breathing, Walking Flow of LifeAs we blend a sunrise or a sunset with God’s divine narrative, or consider a cooling breeze in the shade on a hot summer’s day with the grief imparted from loss, God speaks. God enters the truth with us, and we receive by listening. God is sensed real. Experience is ever pertinent.
Survival! Beyond The Genetic MethodSure, our genes determine our bodies, but our actions determine our realities. Despite the title, that is what this article is really all about.
Divine Self EmpowermentIf you have ever wondered how you could tap into your greatest sense of self empowerment this is the article for you! In this article, I highlight various ways to align yourself with the birthright of your Divine Self Empowerment, which leads to greater success on all levels!
Zechariah 9 – Abundance of the KingdomJesus came not to show us how to rule and reign in power, but how to reconcile and restore everything in weakness. For, in weakness is power. A gentle and compelling power.
Going Equably in Life, at Peace in Haste, Still in SorrowTHOSE who live the way of abundance experience the way of abundance. That way of abundance is surely the nexus of life as much as it could be lived – the Christian’s life eternal, now.
The RestorerCan good really overcome evil? Yes, just as light dispels darkness. God, “who is light and in him is no darkness at all”, has a master plan for a true and final justice that will satiate the hearts of mankind. Nothing is ever lost. Through His love and mercy we have a great hope of eternal life with the fulfillment of every promise He has made since the world began.
Reiki Healing – Through The Eyes Of An Unbiased IndividualHow does a man of science look at the spiritual process of Reiki healing? Does he believe? If not, can his extent of disbelieve get altered with actual experience and exposure? To what extent?
The Requirements of SalvationMany Christians are confused about the requirements of salvation. You have to study the New Testament thoroughly to understand but it is confusing. It is simply a matter of proving to God that your faith is real. You must have faith. But you have to put your faith to work. Paul taught that we are saved by faith and James taught we are saved by works. There is no contradiction. Salvation requires both.