One Soul’s Observation of Life
I believe that our reality here on earth is a shared “construct” of the matrix and is much like the programmable “Holodeck” on Star Trek. We have each chosen a “program” for our soul’s progression and growth here on earth, and some of those we share this construct with have chosen time and time again to do so with us.
How to Prolong Your LifeLook younger, stay healthier, and live longer – billions spent every year. But, no matter what we do to prolong our life now, it will end. However, God came up with a simple plan so we really could live forever!
Ways to Get Much Better Peace of MindIn our extremely busy and hectic lives, we barely have time for ourselves and not to talk of “Me Times”. We are operating like zombies dutifully taking care of the family and contributing our best to our career jobs. But with these hum drums of our lives, can we bend ourselves to some extent to get better peace of mind? Is it actually possible? Why not? It is just a matter of time management but that is not the whole story. In order to learn more, why don’t you take a look inside?
Festive Occasions in India Are Like a Breath of Fresh Air!Celebrations invariably take a large scale, people dance joyously and in a very festive mood. Each of the festivals promotes brotherhood, uniting the entire nation as a whole. The spirit of joyousness is such that it prevails right beyond the festivities, up to many days. And in essence, these are a welcome break from the quick and fast paced lives that we lead around the year. One simply gets a chance to unwind and relax.
Depending on GodSometimes in life it may feel like we have a blind-fold on, because we can’t see how situations are going to work out. We’ve thought about it and thought about it, but we just can’t see how these situations could possibly turn out the way we need them to. The problem here is we are depending on our limited wisdom and knowledge to figure out something that God has already taken care of.
Dramatically Increase Your FaithLearn How To Dramatically Increase Your Faith With 3 Powerful Keys! This Is A Must Read For Spiritual Growth.
7 Ways to Pray for the VulnerablePrayer is precious when two people are focused on the same thing with God to the exclusion of all distractions. Can God not do abundantly more than we’d ever hope or imagine? Prayer makes it possible that a myriad of supernatural dimensions are enabled. Not least of these, there is the fact that prayer changes us in some of the most unpredictable yet welcome ways.
Psalms for the Purposes and Seasons of Your LifePOEMS of affirmation, for confidence, for spiritual stability, for response, for divine empathy; for the purposes of God in our lives: these are the biblical Psalms. These sonnets of Scripture do easily carry us through the journey of life, and, per this suggestion, can help through every age and stage, and every purpose and season of life.
What Everyone Gets Wrong About the Christian LifeThe term “Christian” is used very loosely in this day and age. We subdivide ourselves into different denominations based on specific details and opinions about the Bible. The Modern Christian breaks through these man-made boundaries and lives a different kind of life. One that is less restricted by man, and more free in Christ.
Understanding Spiritual Healing and HelpSpiritual healing is a complement to the orthodox medicine. It has to be taken as the alternative. When we feel sick, then seeing a doctor is a must. When you choose to get some spiritual healing, then it will serve to complement the treatment that you have already received from a doctor. The two healing processes work hand in hand so as to aid recovery. This kind of healing isn’t all about taking care of a person’s physical issues. Even though this is true, it isn’t everything. When a person receives this kind of healing, they get assisted with self-levels and thus the whole person gets treated.
Walking In The Light As Kingdom People – John 12:35-36Believers are instructed to “walk in the light”, relinquish sin, and follow Jesus Who is Light Himself. To better understand the meaning of the text at John 12:35 and 36, we will examine Daniel 5:14, to appreciate how Daniel, the prophet, was said to have ‘walked in the light’. Scripture tells us that Daniel had godly understanding, godly wisdom, and the ‘Presence of the Divine’ was with him all the time.
Throw Your Bible Away?Many think if someone has wealth, they must be evil and sinful and obtained their riches dishonestly, but is that also true of all the wealthy people in the Bible? If all rich people are evil, dishonest, and greedy, then you don’t need your Bible anymore because there are a number of very godly people in the Scriptures who were very wealthy. Being wealthy does not indicates you are a godly person; likewise, being poor does not indicate you are a godly person, either. What does the Bible really have to say about having and obtaining wealth?