Remove These MONEY BLOCKS & Money Will Flow LIKE CRAZY…

Can We Detach and Still Love?

Detach with Love.I used to have a problem with the term “to detach” because I felt like it was saying I had to lose something or give up on someone.

One Ancient Secret to Life Balance Made for Today

SHAMANS of ancient Mexico believed that a warrior had the motive and ability to protect their accessibility – that concealing their presence was a vital skill of a man (or woman) who could command life. Certainly the Bible calls us, from ancient times, to this ability in the obedient person to remove themselves from life for a period of necessary rest: Sabbath – a one-in-seven rhythm.

God, What Are You Like?

“WHAT are you like, God?” I said in my mind as I sat in a theology seminar. God didn’t answer. Not audibly on any account at all. But I mused that if God were to speak in a language that we know, he might say to us, “I’m incomprehensible to you, and always will be… as I have said, I AM THAT I AM.”

Holy Spirit – Companion for An Untenable Soul Loneliness

GRACE has an answer for every suffering that threatens to level us. Grace. Simply grace. Grace is the murmur of the Holy Spirit spoken irretrievably out of the heavens, into the created spaces of earth, into the spaces of peace and holiness within our experience, articulated into our hearts resting in our souls.

Is It Possible to Care and Show Concern and Compassion When We Are Going Through a Hard Season?

How can we care for others in our and their darkest moment? Is it possible? This may appear a comparatively unimportant word, but then again, Jesus Christ never speaks an unimportant word. Jesus knows it is right to honour and respect your father and mother and He is certainly honouring His Father. We honour people when we pay attention to them, and Jesus does this amidst all the humiliation, anguish, and pain He is experiencing. Most of His friends have scarpered. His disciples have disappeared, all except John, the beloved disciple. Jesus is hanging on the cross of Calvary on the north side of the city of Jerusalem and in agony and anguish He demonstrates such care and concern and this same risen living Jesus calls you and me to follow Him.

Jesus – Home, Help and Hope of Compassion

Jesus, God’s Incarnate Son, had compassion on God’s people. All people were God’s people, yet those who most needed the compassion of those who could and should have cared were left most vulnerable. “Harassed and helpless” the people were. Those in power had defaulted on their anointed and appointed role.

4 Hopes of Purpose and 4 Seasons of Peace In the Psalms

HOPES of purpose and seasons of peace. Life has them both. My thesis is there are four of each along the continuum of life.

Human Response to Spirituality – The Believers, the Skeptics and the Explorers

Our psychological disposition in taking a journey of discovery into the field of spirituality is fraught with difficulties. While believers, the non-believers and the intellectuals can go awry, the explorer with a sincere interest in discovering what lies beyond the apparent is likely to move ever closer to the truth, especially when he or she understands the place of intuition in the investigations.

The Sermon of Music

Church music affects the listener and the outcome of the sermon. Music generally has the last word in a worship service, and it might be a distraction.

Destiny, Fate, and Hollywood Stars

After reviewing thousands of people’s comprehensive astrology and numerology charts, our objective findings consistently show those who are fated to become famous do, and those who aren’t, don’t. That may sound “void of promise” to you, but we prefer to tell it as we see it to help you save time, money, and avoid heartache. Besides, life is about the journey, not the destination, wouldn’t you agree?

Do I Choose Engagement or Observation?

I always thought that I wanted to engage fully in life and to experience each moment to the fullest. I always believed that it was better to be fully engaged in every experience that life brought me than to be an observer of life. I thought engagement equaled active living and observation equaled passive living, and in my mind, active living was the only choice. I find myself questioning what I always thought and believed.

How to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts

That is a question I am often asked… just how do I know what my Spiritual Gifts are and how do I develop them? The first step is a heart-felt willingness to be open to stepping out over the edge of everything you have ever known… and taking that unfamiliar, scary step.

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