Sadhguru’s New Year Blessings for 2022 #shorts #Sadhguru

The Power of Abiding in God’s Love

Can you imagine the wonders of abiding in God’s love? In a world full of wickedness, abiding in the love of God is the escape route from being a victim of wickedness. God is committed to protecting those who abide in Him. This article explains why you should dwell in the love of the Lord.

While Men Slept The Enemy Sowed Tares

Why is there so much wickedness and trouble in this world now? Why are situations getting worse instead of better? These are questions which if you are able to identify and adhere to their answers, your life and destiny will take a new turn for the better. This article aims at answering these questions.

He Cried And They Did Not Hear

Have you ever cried to God and it is as if He didn’t hear? If it is true, what could be the problem? God is not deaf, so if your cry seems not answered there must be a reason. This post explains one of the reasons why God would not hear you.

Jehovah-Jireh – The Unfailing Great Provider

Do you worry how your needs will be met? Do you have a deadline ahead of you and you are afraid you won’t be able to meet up with your financial obligations or agreement. I have good news! You need not worry or fear, for there is one who is more than able to supply all your needs and on time. This article tells you about Him.

Cultivating Stillness

When modern life is busy, it can consume us until we step away and nurture our inner world. A spiritual retreat can lead us into a place where deep self-discovery is attained and we begin to know the essence of our eternal peaceful nature.

Ready to Receive

Most of us are good at giving, but not that good on receiving, which by the way is something quite different to taking. Surrender is a powerful force. Learn how to make use of it right now in your life!

The Unprodigal Son

God isn’t interested in justice. Never has been, and never will be. He has a different plan for us.

The Need Of Prayer

Many Christians are today struggling with and in their prayers and there are many reasons for this non-performance. But prayer cannot and should not be neglected because it is a duty laid upon all ‘Believers’ by the Word of God. Sometimes, we can think that there is nothing else we can do, but prayer is everything.

A Question of Commitment to the Conquest for Character

The game of life is about the character to avert pride in victory and remain stoic in defeat. And life is a game, if we can imagine how important such events are to us mere mortals. We place so much stock in the winning of competitions, whether it be sport, politics, studies, your career, current affairs, even wars. Yet we miss what’s blatantly in front of us – but for a little reflection: life is the most serious, most truth-filled game of all.

On Gratitude: Lessons From King Solomon

Lessons from King Solomon on the need for gratitude. This essay gleans guidance from the inspiring story of King Solomon as narrated in the Quran on the subject of gratitude.

What Are We Teaching?

We are all teachers. We teach in every moment that we share with another. We teach with every word we say and with every action we take. We teach with every facial expression, gesture, and bodily reaction. We teach with and without words. The question is – what are we teaching?

What Is Spiritual Darkness?

Doesn’t that sound and maybe even feel like it’s the exact opposite of what Spirituality is all about? And yet, Spiritual Darkness is very much a part of the overall process of inner-enlightenment.

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