8 Ways Satan Wants to Wreck Your Life
WARFARE of the spiritual kind is something akin to territory known in the life of a spiritual person. The more connected to God we are, the more we’re shaped for his purposes, and the more situated to serve that we are, the more subversively Satan may try to wreak havoc in our lives. Not that I made the previous sentence a generalisation. Some may be more prone to spiritual attack than others.
Jesus, the Ultimate Answer to Evil and SufferingChrist is the way to victory, because greatness was achieved only one time in this entire world: on the cross. The cross was one human’s triumph for all humans. The resurrection was God’s triumph, for God and for humanity. The cross was the once-for-all-time demonstration of how to respond to evil and suffering. And the resurrection was a once-for-all-time transaction – death unto life – so all who would partake in suffering would also reign victorious over it through being risen to new life. We cannot explain the resurrection reality in our mortal flesh when we bear our crosses, but that’s what happens.
Leadership Lessons From the Muslim Feast of Eid-Al-AdhaThe Muslim Feast of Eid-al-Adha carries lessons for transformational leadership. This essay discusses four principles of transformational leadership drawn from the history of this Feast;based on the legacy of Prophet Abraham.
Vastu – Sacred Architecture Comes WestIf you think establishing a relationship between body and physical space is strange, if not unusual, think again! There have been quite a few precedents in the West as well, bringing a harmony to a space and its design through an understanding and relationship with the body that inhabits it. Just ask Leonardo da Vinci who gave us the Vitruvian Man in 1490 A.D., or Le Corbusier who gave us the Modular Man in the early 20th century. Introducing the Vastu Man (or Vastu Purush) – harmonizer of body and environment since the 6th century BCE!
Stop Going Around The Same MountainDo you find yourself in the same cycle each week – day in and day out? Are you feeling frustrated about not being in a certain place in your life, ministry, business or career yet? Learn 3 key principles from this passage of scripture to help you to “Stop Going Around The Same Mountain.”
The Advantage of GratefulnessAlthough I do not possess the ability to speak for everyone in speaking for myself I hope to sway you. I am grateful because when I look around I realize that things could have been a lot worse. Instead of thinking about what you do not have you should think about what you do have and count your blessings. Someone somewhere is asking God desperately for what you take for granted. No one likes to give to ungrateful children and neither does God, our father. So if you want more be more grateful.
Why I Am and Remain a CatholicI will not pretend that the Catholic Church is without fault. In fact it constantly fails to be what it should be. Why then do I remain a Catholic?
10 Signs of the Healing of Woundedness In the Wounded HealerGod restores the wounded so they may show others healing in Jesus’ name. God restores the wounded for glory’s sake.
Who Needs the Church?The Christian Gospel affirms the essential qualification for heaven – to live a life of love. Is the Church then essential? Who needs it?
A Prayer For a Miracle Found In ThankfulnessPRAYER is powerful as any ardent Christian knows. A miracle-believing Christian (is there any other kind?) prayed for me that I’d receive a miracle that he prayed I’d receive – by the end of that day… I got it about ten minutes before that day’s end! And I wasn’t even expecting it. Only as I looked back, in the moment, could I see God’s gracious provision! God is very good; better than we could even imagine.
Just What Brings Us To Gratitude?What brings us to gratitude is the search. It may be a serendipitous find, but it’s a rich find all the same. We are grateful we have found the means by which our motivation and inspiration can be nurtured and established. Our application of gratitude is not perfect by any means, but we’re learning as God is equipping us.
Curing Spiritual Constipation With The Ultimate Mental LaxativePrayer and persistence are power! You may or may not agree with me, so I will define what I mean and what should be practiced to cure spiritual constipation or stagnation.