Is It Really Possible to Become More Like Jesus Christ and If So Tell Me How?
Do you want to become more like Jesus Christ? How many people would dearly love to become more like Jesus Christ, even in some small way, as the days and weeks go by? Is it possible to learn how we might become more like Jesus Christ in all sorts of ways? Yes, it is, but it can be a challenging road at times. Now, I realise that much is said about being generous and giving money in the church and some of it is good and some of it may be not so good. Temptation and corruption are not far from us all at times. Over these many years I have made it a point never to touch the money. I always have two other people deal with the offerings and all financial affairs. Do we not know our own hearts? Generosity brings God’s blessing. Do not be stingy. Now, that is a good Scottish word.
Doubt Is An Obstacle To Answered PrayerDoubt can rob you of answers to your prayers. What is doubt? It is being double minded in regards to prayer. Prayer must be prayed in faith. You must believe that God is, and that He rewards those who believe Him and seek Him with all of their hearts. God loves when we believe Him. He takes delight when we stand fast on the sure foundation of His Word, regardless of what we may see or feel.
How to Manifest Your Desires Into RealityWe all have the inner power to manifest our desires into reality. But there are certain keys that have to be implemented. Implementing these keys can immediately put you on the path of manifesting your greatest desires into reality. But leaving out one of the keys can mean your desires stay stuck in between the invisible and visible realm.
Believing in Afterlife Is Mandatory for a Complete FaithOne of the religious obligations for an absolute faith is to have faith in afterlife. But, many people have doubts about afterlife. Would there be any evil in this world if people completely had faith in afterlife? Probably as a result of this weakness to believe in afterlife, Allah (swt) has mentioned about it along with His name in his Book. Pretending not to see does not change the fact. Death is the fate of every living creature. It is the beginning of afterlife for mankind. For this reason, mankind should be ready for his own death and for the Judgment Day.
Gardener Of The SoulThis article shares the personal responsibility one has to nurture, care for spiritual growth and development. This article helps one to see this process as a loving continuous, and necessary personal activity.
Life, a Daring Adventure or Nothing At AllMOUNTAINS, God is in the practice of throwing them into the sea at our behest. (Matthew 21:21) This is how it applies to your life and mine.
How Free From Sin Are You, and Do You Remain Filled With the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ?How free are you? Do you enjoy that freedom and peace and strength which only Jesus Christ, the Son of God can give? Are you spiritually released with your sins forgiven, and enjoying the fullness of God as you are filled with the Holy Spirit and overflowing, splashing others with grace and mercy and love? We too have to act. The people responded positively to John and he plunged them in the waters of the Jordan River as a sign of their repentance from sin. John’s theme was repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and this is seldom a popular message in these days, but it remains essential and central. John gives the appearance of harshness, but he had a challenging, yet gracious message, to proclaim.
Un-Forgiveness Will Hinder Your PrayersWhen you begin to pray, ensure that you do not have anything in your heart against anyone. This can greatly hinder answers to your prayers. God answers prayer and of that there is no doubt. However, many people are not experiencing answers to their requests from God because they harbor ill will and un-forgiveness against others. Prayer cannot work effectively with un-forgiveness in the heart.
Hindrances To Answered PrayerMany people pray but have not seen answers to their requests. They know that they are in need of God’s help, healing and provision, but wonder why they cannot seem to get Him to respond to their prayers.
Angels – Angel of the Written Word AsaphOne of the most important steps to manifesting is the art of creating through the written word. Many people feel and think they can take a shortcut and simply say the word and it shall be so. Speaking your request silently or out loud is only the beginning.
Just BLOOM!Life is not a race, it’s a journey. Let’s get off the rivalry rollercoaster and promote unity instead of duality!
Gratitude: One of the Keys to Spiritual PowerEveryone knows gratitude as thankfulness, though we also regard it as a process through which to increase spiritual power, thus get more out of life and progress toward self-actualization. Commonly, those on the spiritual path to self-awareness experience three stages of gratitude.