What to Do If Your Child Becomes Depressed | Sadhguru #shorts #depression #sadhguru

What Can We Learn From Emanuel AME in Charleston?

When a white man opened fire in the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., he killed nine people including a pastor/state senator during an ordinary Wednesday Bible study. Something about this got me to thinking. In fact, I can’t stop thinking about it, but not for obvious reasons.

Where Loneliness Meets God and God Heals the Loneliness

ONE vivid night, around October 2004, though there were many of them in that season, I found myself bereft of comfort. No presence of anything – thought, person or God – could have helped that night. I was inconsolably sad and lonely to the point of torment. Graced by no Presence of the Holy Spirit I was alone, vanquished of soul and spirit.

2016, What Can You Expect?

The new year is rapidly approaching and it’s a special one. America will vote in a new President. It would mark the 45th time in its history. The number 45 is special for it vibrates to the number 9, (4+5=9) The year 2016 also vibrates to the number 9, (2+0=2+1+3+6=9) These double nines will play an important role in America’s destiny.

Men And Brethren, What Shall We Do?

Knowledge is powerful and its application most profitable. Knowing the impact names have on your life is one thing and doing something about it is another. You have the choice to choose life or death, choose life that you may live. This article stresses the need for you to exercise the power at your disposal to determine how names impact your destiny.

Do You Trust Your Intuition 100%?

Do you always trust your intuition? Do you sometimes ignore it even if you know it’s often right? In this article Helen shares the result of a recent Intuition survey and explores some of the findings.

Angels – Angel of Scent, God’s Sweet Perfume Muriel

Muriel, the Angel of Scent, tells me oh so softly that there is an odor to darkness and shadow. I smile because this makes absolute and perfect sense even though this is the first time I have heard this truth. All thoughts and emotions are energy vibrating at different levels of light or darkness.

Qur’an Is Not a Fabrication

One of the attacks made to Qur’an is a claim which asserts that Satan has tempered with Qur’an by adding it some false statements. Does ever a Creator who is capable of fulfulling his command in the blinking of an eye allow Satan to temper with his book with fake statements? Qur’an has made no concessions from its literary beauty although it has offered effective solutions based on simple principles to material and spiritual illnesses of people and societies. Qur’an was sent to an illiterate prophet in 23 years. Despite of this, there is no any inconsistency in its content. It cannot have been fabricated.

4 Dimensions of Integrity for a God-Faithful Life

When we notice integrity in others we ought to commend them through encouragement. When we nurture integrity in ourselves we earn others’ genuine affirmation.

Prophetic Dreams – How to Understand Dreams That Keep Coming True

Have you ever had a dream that seemed like it was real? Have you ever had a dream that did not make any sense? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then there is a strong chance that you have had a prophetic dream. There are many signs to help you understand the dreams that you keep seeing over and over again or in code.

The Truth About Psychics, Spirits and After Death Communication

Who is most likely to see a spirit? Are psychic mediums the best way to connect with the spirit or energy of a loved one that you’ve love lost, or are you better trying to make a connection on your own? And what does the evidence say about people who have an after death communication with someone that has crossed over?

Overcoming Illusion – Maya – And Coming Upon Our True Spiritual Nature

The metamorphosis from Caterpillar to Butterfly is surly one of Nature’s greatest miracles. Spiritually speaking, we too undergo a not too dissimilar metamorphose in the form of inner spiritual growth — our soul awakening unto its innate eternal bliss or Christ nature.

Movies That Show Us Ourselves

These movies differ from the straight story types in the same way teaching styles are dissimilar, the didactic method (you’re told or shown what the point is and you learn it; the fair-minded goodness of Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird” is an artful example) versus the socratic (you’re led to discover the point on your own). The discovery may just happen to be about yourself, because your interpretation of the movie shows something that you may not have been conscious of. I have four of these “socratic” movies in mind as examples, all movies that introduced me to myself more fully, the first exposing a core spiritual value system, the next two the strength of a spiritual belief, the last the depth of my perception.

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