5 Ways NOT GIVING A F*CK Will Raise Your VIBRATION (& how to do it)

Archangel Haniel

To build on relationships that are harmonious with God and other people who share your same goals and aspirations. To discover our creative inspirations for artistic ability to build on projects as she increases our productivity she works to bring out our latent talents and helps to groom us for success.

When Realisation Becomes Revelation

I had been floundering spiritually for weeks without even knowing it – or without acknowledging it. My problems existed outside of me. All my efforts and abilities and gifts were not being recognised or utilised or valued – in the way I wanted them to be – which indicates my using of God and not the other way around (for, it is a privilege to be used by God, but it is a sin to contemplate how we might use the Lord – apart from being foolish insanity, because God cannot be bargained with; he will not be coerced). The truth is God has shown his abundance to me so far as recognition, utilisation and value. It must always be good enough… but I depart from the purpose of this true-story-article… Because my problems existed outside of me, I was blind to the only help available: God’s.

A Sanctuary for Apes, And a Whole Lot More

The care of the apes demands hard work, ceaseless work, work upon which the apes’ health, well-being, and safety depend. And despite all the labor and effort, accidents, illnesses, and deaths from natural causes have occurred, and then these must be dealt with, too, with all the attendant emotional distress and grief of apes and humans alike. There’s no room for God to squeeze in here, right?

Learning to Honour the Process of Healing

When old pain surfaces and its raw ache tears at your heart as if you were immersed in it all over again, do you wonder if you will ever be free of it? Do you question whether you will ever be completely healed? Do you struggle with forgiving those who caused this pain? Do you judge yourself for not being able to release these grievances to the past where they belong?

Belief in Holy Books

Allah sent four main heavenly books and a hundred booklets to the earth. These are mercy sources. The religion, which was ordered by all messengers since Adam, is Islam. Islam is “tawhid (oneness)” religion. It is based on approving and accepting the existence, oneness and ownership and dominance of Allah on all the worlds. The provisions of Allah were notified in all of these books. Allah wishes to bring us the highest levels of maturity, raise us to the level of a perfect human and, thus, complete His mercies, with the provisions that were ordered in His books.

Where Is God When There’s So Much Suffering Out There?

ABANDONED by God. That is how life has been experienced by vast numbers of people. They feel they have been brought into a world that so depends on God, yet they find when they most need him, he’s nowhere to be found. It’s a shattering discovery – the one who they had hoped to discover was found to be indiscoverable.

Finding My Rest in the Lord – From Psalm 37:7

Struggling with finances or other issues can make it hard to find peace for my life. I have to find ways to look beyond the storms so that I can settle into my rest.

The Spiritual Teachings of Anon I Mus

I have been reading books on spirituality for the last few years, ever since my sufferings peaked. I feel better now, but I am not completely free of my mind. I watch the mind, sometimes I get taken over by it, and sometimes don’t.

The 4 Purposes of Prayer for Enjoying the Presence of God

PRAYER is the practice of communicating with God – us with God or God with us, or both. In two dimensions was prayer made: 1) to adore God for who he is, and 2) to thank God with praise for what he has done. What we add to prayer is our own needs; to confess our sin and to request God’s help.

Angels – Angel of Divine Justice and Balance Zadkiel

All things must balance, that is Law. It is the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving, in its purest form. Negative energy repels prosperity and abundance. Positive energy repels lack and delay. It is that simple and that complicated.

When Profound Questions Arise, for Whose Benefit Are They, and How Will We Answer?

When Almighty God asks you a question, it is not for His benefit but yours! Have you ever thought of that? Are you aware of its truth? Take time to consider and contemplate the significance of question when their source is Almighty God, and the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, and the prompting and nudging of the Holy Spirit, because questions can approach us from various directions. If we need explanation or clarification it is usually available. Our task and role is to receive it and welcome it and embrace it and learn form it, and of course, obey it. That may sound very obvious, but many have a real struggle over obeying what God has said and what Jesus Christ has revealed.

Embracing the Body of Christ

This article challenges one to gain a greater understanding of the word “Christ” and how this understanding increases abundance, spiritual growth and positive life direction. The Christ connects one to God, enables clarity of thought and feeds the consciousness with fresh ideas that govern and guide one in decision-making within the human experience. The decision-making, when governed by godliness, will always yield peace and harmony.

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