5 Keys to Spiritual Strength
The most tried and true way to put God first is to read His Word, the Bible and obey it. There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth. – Jim George. Are you struggling with a situation that just won’t go away?
Praying For Love’s Answer: Praying SuccessfullyIf you are experiencing a lack of success in getting what you want when you pray, then it is likely because you are not praying in a way that God can hear. Let’s learn how to increase our prayer outcome success rate and communicate authentically for as we practice genuine prayer, we notice God’s ear bending toward us.
The Patience FactorThe book of Romans tells us to rejoice when we find ourselves in tribulation. Tribulation speaks of trouble. If you cannot know God in the midst of trouble, you can never know Him. However, trouble is part of life and we must understand it. The Bible tells us that the life of human beings is short and full of troubles.
The Power of a PrayerSaying a prayer to ask something from God/Divine Source/Universe in times of difficulties and in turn, getting solutions may not be imminent at first but with practice if you do it right, it can happen. For tips on this matter, please look inside. You will be glad that you did.
The Power and Significance of a NameWhat is the meaning of your name? Could your name be contributing to what is happening in your life? Every name is significant, even the one without a meaning means meaningless. This article gives the power and significance of names.
Archangels – Healer Extraordinaire RaphaelNegative, lower vibration energy causes our Solar Plexus Chakra to become congested. I’m being given the image of a traffic jam where little to nothing is actually moving, everything is at a standstill.
For Those Who Want Desperately to Be Used By GodIf we would be desperate to be used by God we must recognise the dangers that lay ahead of us because of our pride. We should rather be used by God in small, private, though significant ways.
These Spiritual Laws Will Make You SmileEveryone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited. Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction.
Prepared or Unprepared?It seems impossible to prepare for every possible disaster that could happen. But because it’s so difficult to plan, many people do nothing at all. As Christians, Jesus gave us some very specific commands, including taking care of others and being ready. If we rely on our own strength it seems impossible. But the great news is that we don’t have to. Little things done in His strength add up to fulfilling everything that Jesus commanded.
Physical Obedience Brings Spiritual BreakthroughThe fruit of the spirit is on the inside of every born again child of God, but just because they’re there doesn’t mean that they’re a reality in our life. This is where physical obedience comes in and brings forth a spiritual blessing.
God Nudges You And You Listen?Today has been a day filled with the chore of de-cluttering! It is so funny to use that word, because my computer does not like it at all. I get angry red lines under it whenever I use it in a sentence!
Count It All Joy!The choices we make, including how we persevere during difficult times, reveal who we truly are at our core. Depending on how effective our coping strategies are, life’s trials and tribulations can essentially transform us into stronger beings or cause us to quickly spiral downward into hopeless defeat. That is why it is imperative to have an unwavering coping strategy to rely on during challenging times.