Spiritual Reading: The Best Way To Uncover The Mysteries Of Life

Spiritual reading is a dedicated attempt to gather information about various happening related to life. The persons who do this are known as psychics. They use their special vision or powers to understand various paranormal behavior.

I’m Not Getting Anything! – How to REALLY Communicate With Your Angels

So you’ve purchased the “How to Communicate with Your Angels e-book” and are ready to practice the techniques. You’re so excited to try everything and begin talking with your angels and having their support in your life. But what if you start trying to connect and you feel like “you’re not getting anything?

The New “F” Word – Forgiveness

It seems to me that society needs a new “F” word. Instead of the anger, frustration, judgment, and hatred inherent in expressions of “F- you!

Say No to Gossip… But Forgive Yourself When You Fall Back Into the Trap

Have you realized the destructive power and negative energy that is created by gossip? Have you recognized what gossiping does, not only to the target of gossip, but to the perpetrators?

Where Do You Find Your Worth?

Are you searching for that special someone who will complete you? Do you look out at the world and believe that a partner will make you feel a sense of belonging?

We Are Not Our Bodies

When we look at one another as bodies, we create separation. It seems fairly obvious, doesn’t it?

Hatred Will Never Bring Peace

We hate, and often, we don’t even question or understand why. Hatred is passed down from generation to generation.

Do You Feel Like You Don’t Belong?

Do you feel like you are on the outside looking in? Does it seem like everyone else finds their place within the ebb and flow of life, but you just can’t seem to find yours?

Unconditional Love With a Capital L

Love is all there is. Love is all that sustains.

What You Seek You Will Find

What is your perception of the people you come in contact with throughout your day? How do you experience the world in which you live?

Are We Truly As Highly Evolved As We Think We Are?

It seems to me that as the most evolved species on this planet, we should know what we are doing. Observation of our actions should validate our self-proclaimed top position on the evolutionary ladder.

Which God Do You Serve?

Do you remember learning about the Ten Commandments? I do.

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