Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verses 9-10
WE ARE good, aren’t we, for our children? That is a very controversial statement. In actuality, it’s an aspiration for many, an achievement for some, and just a faint hope for others. But everyone who loves wishes the best for their children. Not a single parent who loves their child knowingly allows ill in their lives, unless to do so would be to respect boundaries i.e. the approach to adult children.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 11An astute person might say, “God doesn’t give us every ‘good’ thing.” It all depends on what we determine is good. If we determine what is good by our own ‘evil’ standard (Jesus calls us ‘evil’, not I), we are likely to be eternally disappointed.
How Big Is Your God?How big is God to you? What do you believe about Him? Is He mean, powerful, distant when you need His help, etc. You will have a hard time growing as a Christian if your idea of God is too small.
Oh Guilt, You Are My Own Creation!Guilt! Guilt so often is something that we create in our mind and then let it get blown up into something we can’t control.
Do You Believe in Miracles?We’re living in an age of miracles. As long as there is life, there is hope, and sometimes, where there isn’t life, there is still hope.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 6In conversation, at times, I have often felt that sense of, “Why did I open my mouth?” I think that is what Jesus is talking about here. He is warning the disciples, on the other side of hypocrisy, regarding how a hypocrite might respond to the message of truth. And even though he is instructing the disciples not to give to dogs (any legalistic Jews) or throw valuables at pigs (any immoral gentiles), Jesus, in fact, gave them the very antithesis as an imperative: the Great Commission – “Go, therefore, and make all the nations disciples… ” (Matthew 28:19a)
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 5HYPOCRISY is not something any of us want to be accused of. None of us is enamoured of the antithesis of integrity.
Raising Awareness For The Conscious Revolution!Collective consciousness the etheric higher power that ebbs and flows throughout connecting everyone and everything exists for the choosing. As more individuals choose the collective consciousness they become co-creators of a world that makes a difference for everyone by raising humankind’s vibration…
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 4IMPERIOUS is the Word of God. It cuts through all falsity with vigour to leave the truth exposed for all who would see. The lies are washed away by the tide of reality when the Word of God rails against the would-be purveyors of accusation. The Word of God is a lamp, a guide, a wonderful testament to the fact of God, a beautiful assurance of good things here and to come!
Are Christians Accountable For Ignoring the Sins of Others?If society promotes a collective accountability for the actions of others, are Christians accountable for the sins of others? Let us look more into the Christian right to take a part in the containment of certain aspects of social behavior. From time to time, the U.S. government seeks to force Christian acceptance of wicked behavior.
A Theology for Safe Ministry With Vulnerable People – Respect, Accountability and HumilityChristian ministry isn’t ever purposed or achieved in hurting or betraying people. It is always – and can only ever be – a process by which people are built up, encouraged, inspired, grown, and, principally, kept safe.
A Theology for Safe Ministry With Vulnerable People – Take One Day At A TimeCHRISTIAN MINISTRY isn’t ever purposed or achieved in hurting or betraying people. It is always – and can only ever be – a process by which people are built up, encouraged, inspired, grown, and, principally, kept safe.