Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 25
JESUS has been building to this very point right through the chapter. Does it not seem odd to you that Jesus now speaks of the underlying preponderance hiding beneath the want for recognition and the coveting of all sorts of worldly pleasures? The subject of our clamouring after everything not of God is anxiousness.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 26The birds have not a fleeting worry, unless that is a predator lurks nearby. If we are anxious we know why now. If we wish to be less anxious, we know just what we need to do: surrender our coveting grip on the things of this world.
Object Lesson – Chopsticks Christian LivingWe just celebrated Chinese New Year here in Asia, which gave me the idea of games using chopsticks. Chopsticks always come in pairs and work together to pick up items. It reminds me of the Helper, the Holy spirit, who always works along side us to accomplish God’s purpose in our lives and the world.
Christian Spirituality – True Humility of HeartThe virtue of humility is among most commonly taught requirements of the spiritual life. Jesus teaches about this important virtue a lot. But humility isn’t what most people think it is. Since it’s so important to our prayer life, we really should understand what Jesus means when He talks about the virtue of humility!
Bearing Up Under Spiritual AttackENEMIES are foes because they work strategically and tactically and operationally – at all levels of threat engagement – to bring a land, a people, a kingdom, an entity, even a person, to their knees. It can seem there are enemies littered through life, but truly most of the time the litany of threats perceived are not from a physical entity, but from a spiritual nemesis.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 24THE KING’S splendour is so resplendently remarkable as to really not know how exactly to remark upon it! He who is the Name above all names, he who created the beginning and the end and everything that exists, has ever existed, and will ever exist, will bring forth the Age to come. He who is all this, and infinitely more, surpassing all we can comprehend, we are also destined to meet.
Catholic Spirituality – Is There Really Power in Prayer?We often hear “there’s power in prayer.” But what do we do with that when our prayers seem to go unanswered? The real power in prayer doesn’t lie with its ability to make US powerful or to give us what we want. The real power in prayer lies in something else altogether.
Christian Spirituality – Patience in PrayerJesus teaches us that we should persevere in prayer. We often assume this just means that if we keep praying, God will eventually get around to answering us. But if we stop to think about this attitude, we find that it doesn’t really fit with a loving God. So WHY should we persevere in prayer?
What Does the Heart Really Want?From the heart comes countless emotions that drive our thoughts, desires, and actions. When these feelings emerge, there’s no denying these emotions are absolutely genuine-it seems as if the heart validates every single feeling. But what does the heart really want? Amazingly, the heart is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. The heart sustains life. It only makes sense that if it contributes such a large role in our physical life, it will also contribute heavily in our spiritual life. But you may be surprised to learn how often scripture cautions us on the deceitfulness of the heart.
Finding Inner Peace and Calm Through Mindful LivingIf you’re looking for a way to get out of the habit of living in high drama and the rat race and instead step into a new way of life that will change everything for you, I invite you to have a look at this article about mindful living. So many of us in our fast pace society lose track of living in the present moment and really taking the time to create and live our best life. Mindful living can change all that if you give it a chance.
You Cannot Move To Your Future By Living In The PastSo often people focus on the past and what could have been. This type of regret keeps you from moving forward into a successful future. This article focuses on how to move forward and how living in the past can keep you from a blessing.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 23Here is the paradox: choose to see the darkness inside and the light will make itself a home. Choose to avoid the light of truth and darkness will never flee.